Banned for banning someone for not liking every post, But failing to do so yourself. Don't throw stones in glasses houses or something like that.
Banned for failing to properly quote that saying, which is "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
Banned for surfing the black hole. Banned for probably not knowing that there is an area near the black hole called the Even Horizon which nothing can escape from. Light can't escape. Nothing can escape at that point. But beyond that area, it is possible to slingshot using the black hole, to travel faster than light. It's a proven fact because, in some places of the world, microscopic black holes are actually created. Real. Both made in facilities, and out in simple nature. When large dense amount of high-kelvin energy is compacted or becomes too unstable from decay or exposure, black holes are actually created. You are banned for surfing with man made technology, or may or may not be breaking physics. Or something. I'm in Aerospace Engineering club ._.
The extent of an observational subject within a black hole is at the event horizon; Thus, the theory you present is flawed in the fact that it cannot be proven to an extent past calculated gravitational standards due to the utter mass of the singularity which, by effect, render all forms of close observation null and void... THEREFORE, BANNED FOR A SCIENTIFIC ENIGMA! BANNED FOR STEALING MY BAN
Banned for having no logic. Black holes are black voids, because they are simple nothing. Even Light gets sucked inside. YET dwarf stars can slingshot everything near a certain point, The event horizon. Hypothetical can be proven.
Banned because all evidence that can be provided is circumstancial in the fact that even if something could supercede speeds greater than light, the event in question is unable to be observed! (I muddle in theoretical physics ) Banned for not doing your homework.
If black holes, Suck in faster than light itself, You can go faster than light. It's the generic spaceship travel thing in almost all Sci-Fi titles. Both Video Games and movies! James T. Kirk Aproves
I request a ban of the above member, for being such a space fruit. I know I shouldn't request a ban for such a reason, but I knew these for a long time and trust me, good stuff never happens when fruits go to space. The last one I met tried to pilot a ship, and managed to crash onto the hangar door before it even opened. I may sound extremely rude and/or racist by asking that, but I just want to prevent further troubles. I hope the moderating team understands my point.