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Resolved Found how to save my files!

Discussion in 'Support' started by thesupergogo, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. thesupergogo

    thesupergogo Space Hobo

    I searched on every possible forum out here and did not find any solutions to my issue. I was on the verge of bursting to tears when I saw my 75hours save file completely gone all of a sudden. My <name>_[random-numbers] file was blank inside and if it was the case my saves were gone. At a last resort I renamed my <name>_[random-numbers]_old file to <name>_[random-numbers] and it worked! it created a new (...)_old file and my save is saved.
    Sorry if that solution was already known, told elsewhere I just wanted to help those in needs since I noticed the huge ammount of support this community is trying to give. Love your game
    • Iris Blanche

      Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

      Please note that the Starbound support section is not for Stardew Valley related things as stated in the 2 pinned topics in the Starbound support section. I moved your topic to the Stardew valley support section. Please post in the right section next time. :nuruhappy:

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