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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.22

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    I'm not saying Sayter stole my mod (which Sayter could probably easily make if mine didn't exist. it just looks like he used mine as a base), I'm just comparing our swimming scripts and pointing out-- and asking about-- some similarities.
    Being questioned doesn't make you guilty.

    Sayter stole my mod. No doubt about it.


    Hi. I noticed how eerily similar your 'new' swimming script is to mine, from Improved Swim Physics.

    This is yours:
    function init()
      -- params
      self.applyToTypes = config.getParameter("applyToTypes") or {"player", "npc"}   --what gets the effect?
      self.mouthPosition = status.statusProperty("mouthPosition") or {0,0}  --mouth position
      self.mouthBounds = {self.mouthPosition[1], self.mouthPosition[2], self.mouthPosition[1], self.mouthPosition[2]}
      self.setWet = false -- doesnt start wet
      animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("bubbles", self.mouthBounds)
    function applyBonusSpeed() --apply Speed Booost
      if status.statPositive("boostAmount") then --this value gets applied in update to the player speedModifier when in water, to calc the total speed + boost
        self.finalValue = 5.735 * (status.stat("boostAmount",1) or 1)   --this does not get passed fine
       -- sb.logInfo("the current swim speed is "..self.finalValue)
        effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "boostAmount", effectiveMultiplier = 1}}) -- add the swim boost stat if it isn't present so we never multiply by 0
        self.finalValue = 5.735   -- this gets passed fine.
    function allowedType() -- check entity type from provided list
      local entityType = entity.entityType()
      for _,applyType in ipairs(self.applyToTypes) do
        if entityType == applyType then
          return true
    function update(dt)
      -- params
      applyBonusSpeed() -- check if bonus speed is active
      local position = mcontroller.position()
      local worldMouthPosition = {self.mouthPosition[1] + position[1],self.mouthPosition[2] + position[2]}
      local liquidAtMouth = world.liquidAt(worldMouthPosition)
      if liquidAtMouth and (liquidAtMouth[1] == 1 or liquidAtMouth[1] == 2) and not (status.stat("breathProtection")) then  --activate bubble particles if at mouth level with water
        animator.setParticleEmitterActive("bubbles", true)
        self.setWet = true
        animator.setParticleEmitterActive("bubbles", false)
      if not (allowedType()) then  -- if not the allowed type of entity (a monster that isnt a fish), different effects play
        if mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= 0.62 then  --approximately shoulder height
          { speedModifier = self.finalValue }   -- we have to increase player speed or they wont move fast enough. add the boost value to it.
            gravityMultiplier = 0,
            liquidImpedance = 0,
            liquidForce = 100 * self.finalValue  -- get more swim force the better your boost is?
        effect.expire() -- we could do effect.expire here, but its probably pointless
    function onExpire()
      if self.setWet then
    function setMonsterAbilities()
        if status.stat("isWaterCreature") then
          if (mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= 0.80) then
            if status.stat("isBossCreature")==1 then
                  {speedModifier = 4.735}
                gravityMultiplier = 1,
                liquidImpedance = 0.5,
                liquidForce = 80.0
            elseif status.stat("isSpawnedCreature")==1 then
                  {speedModifier = 2.735}
                gravityMultiplier = 1,
                liquidImpedance = 0.5,
                liquidForce = 30.0
            elseif status.stat("isJellyfishCreature")==1 then
                  {speedModifier = 0.1}
                gravityMultiplier = -2,
                liquidImpedance = 0.5,
                liquidForce = 2.0
            if not mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityEnabled then
            mcontroller.controlModifiers({speedModifier = 0})
            gravityMultiplier = 1.5,
            liquidImpedance = 0.5,
            liquidForce = 80.0,
            airFriction = 0,
            airForce = 0
              {speedModifier = 2.735}
            gravityMultiplier = 0.6,
            liquidImpedance = 0.5,
            liquidForce = 80.0

    If we remove the conditions for swim boosts, animations, and entity types, we get:

    function update(dt)
        if mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= 0.62 then  --approximately shoulder height
            gravityMultiplier = 0,
            liquidImpedance = 0,
            liquidForce = 100 * self.finalValue  -- get more swim force the better your boost is?
        effect.expire() -- we could do effect.expire here, but its probably pointless

    this is mine, with the same 'apply to these entity types' removed:
    function update(dt)
      if mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= 0.6 then
        mcontroller.controlParameters({gravityMultiplier = 0,
        liquidImpedance = 0,
        liquidForce = 200})
        mcontroller.controlModifiers({speedModifier = 9.80})

    In addition, here's a list of liquids supported by FU's swim physics and Improved Swim Physic's swim physics:
    • FU Black Tar: both
    • Lava: both
    • FU Liquid Deuterium: both
    • FU Liquid Nitrogen: both
    • MH Mech Fuel: both
    • Milk: both
    • ISP Mercury: FU

    Let's look at the patches:

      [{"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 5,
          "materialResult" : "asphalt"
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 40,
          "materialResult" : "bloodstonetile2"
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 42,
          "materialResult" : "andesite"
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 43,
          "materialResult" : "purplecrystal"
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 45,
          "materialResult" : "sulphurstone"
      {"op" : "add",
      "path" : "/interactions/-",
      "value" : {
          "liquid" : 46,
          "materialResult" : "sulphurstone"
    That looks really out of place. Almost like a copy-paste. The square brackets were probably moved because of Github.



    Yeah, there's not many ways to do a patch like that. But notice how everything but the new liquid patches are spaced. That is, they're written like this:
    Hello , world ! My name is " Bob " .
    While mine are written like this:
    Hello, world! My name is "Bob".
    Remember, the brackets were probably moved due to FU being on Github.

    So, the condition for being in water both use 'is equal or greater than' and the difference between the numbers is .02, and there's only a single difference in the order the control parameters are applied, FU's version applies the speed modifier first, and uses 100 instead of 200 for liquid force. The newest ISP update removed swim boost compatibility, too.

    It even ends with
    effect.expire() --probably pointless
    why add that if it's probably pointless? the vanilla swimming script doesn't have it. where'd you get it?
    the vanilla swim script doesn't change any control parameters, and you ended up changing them in the exact order I did.
    Furthermore, every single FU effect that modifies its own duration (except one, which uses the similar effect.modifyDuration(dt)) does not use effect.modifyDuration(script.updateDt()), but FU's new swimming script does. My swimming script uses effect.modifyDuration(script.updateDt()) too.

    Yes, at its core, it's just "if in water then no gravity move easier in water", but it's the way and order that it's done in, as well as the author apparently being confused at something that, if they wrote the code, would not consider adding.

    I know I'm putting Sayter on the spot with a question which would sound like "WHY DID YOU POUR THE MILK IN AFTER THE CEREAL AND BEFORE PUTTING THE SPOON IN, HUH? THAT'S HOW I PREPARE MINE. ARE YOU COPYING ME?" if he didn't see my mod. Yeah, he did a three-step process in 1 out of 9 possible ways, but combined with the other similarities...

    I'm probably only seeing the similarities, but there's only a few very minor differences if you ignore the FU-exclusive content...

    But lastly, let's look at the Starbound mods page and sort by "last update":
    Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 5.23.46 PM.png

    Which one of these mods looks like something FU could use?
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
    Apple Juice and NightmareDL like this.
  2. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I'm actually glad you brought it up, I had forgotten to toss you in the credits file (and have now added you). I also wanted to reach out and tell you to go ahead and pilfer from this, since its based on what you started, but with xmas shopping and employment issues it slipped my mind.( Also, if you can find a more elegant way to do things than via statusEffects as I have, feel free. This way seemed the most expedient for the least amount of memory used.)


    compare our swimming scripts, those who are raging about it or feels they might jump on that bandwagon.

    i used yours as a visual reference. Nothing more, and then heavily edited the bits i no longer required. Seems i left a few comments in, but the bulk should be very obvious that i did it primarily on my own. It's also quite apparent that I made extensive changes to how it all works. I mean, as you said, there aren't very many ways to accomplish it in the first place.

    As for patches: patch files are patch files. I'd have had to patch the same data the same way regardless, so I fail to see your point with them. That could have been copy-pasted from virtually any patch (including hundreds in FR or FU itself) and had the word swimming added. The source is not relevant, since I have identical patches in my own FU files and could easily claim the same towards hundreds of mods that patch similar files :)

    Here's my process over the weekend:
    • Investigate your cool little mod (been meaning to check it out for aaaaages now)
    • take a snippet from swimming.lua, paste in an editor in a fresh file. adjust values and tinker to see how it works. Wonder why you stripped all the other functionality out and didn't account for different types of monsters, or special circumstances. Think on ways to accomplish this.
    • Adjust the minimum immersion slightly so that the player doesn't bounce back into the water as easily. 72% was too much, while your value of 60% was too little. 65 was a bit too much, so settled in 62%
    • Adjust any code that needs to be adjusted still. Cut that and paste it into the main lua file. See what breaks. Spend entirely too long finding ways to make monsters have exceptions.
    • Make sure my liquids are patched.
    • Add in vanilla swim stuff so I get the wet effects, and all that goodness. Test till it works.
    • Add in a heap of other stuff in various other scripts to incorporate special mechanics for swimming-based modifiers, enhance the existing swimming script, etc.

    Understand that no malice was intended here. I saw you did something cool as hell, wondered how you did it, replicated it externally, and expanded upon it in all sorts of areas. It bears little similarity to yours at all anymore, as it was never intended to copy-paste your very tiny snippet of code in your swimming.lua file and claim it. The goal was a more verbose bit of script that could be shared with anyone that wanted it.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    bk3k likes this.
  3. NightmareDL

    NightmareDL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Copies the mod and then "forgets" to add in the credits the real author name hahaha
    Sock_Bunny likes this.
  4. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    While it's nice that I'm getting credit for my work, it doesn't change the fact that you never contacted me to get permission to use my mod.

    But it doesn't seem like you think I should be credited. Are you implying that you came up with the new swimming effects when you say "...if you can find a more elegant way to do things than via statusEffects as I have... This way seemed the most expedient for the least amount of memory used."? That isn't how someone talks about something another person made; that's how they speak of something they created.

    I've already compared our swimming scripts-- well, mine and mine with some extra "if this then do what Sock_Bunny did BUT with this number", anyway. It's clear from both your word and my side-by-side comparison that you used my assets without my permission.

    What unnecessary bits have you 'heavily edited' away?

    You must have photographic memory. Therefore, it bears the same meaning as "I wrote it down and copied it for myself".
    Or maybe you had it on one side of the screen, and a blank file on the other side, then looked at mine, saw "f", typed "f" in yours, saw "u", typed "u", saw "n", typed "n", etc etc

    Yes, patch files are patch files. A mod is a mod.

    You didn't have to do it the exact way I did it.
    It also conveniently slips your mind that I compared how you write patches to the way I write them, then a comparison of the patches.
    You write you patch files like this:
         [{"op" : "add",
          "path" : "/foo/-",
           "value" : "bar"
    or sometimes like this:
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/background/fileHeader",
        "value": "/interface/tooltips/fuheader.png"
    While I write mine like this:
    My point was that you used my mod and copy-pasted content from it. Who's to say you wouldn't do the same with something else?

    I don't care if anyone takes a simple patch; my point was that it was very similar to the patches from my mod, which supported my claim that you unpacked my mod.

    What did you make by yourself? You copy-pasted my script a couple times and put them behind an if statement, then added a parameter to certain monsters.

    What'd you do? Add a few if statements that change a number? That's not extensive. You didn't change how it all works.

    A snippet? Let me pull up the entire file.
    function init() if entity.entityType() ~= "player" then setUpdateDelta(0) end end
    function update(dt)
      if mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= 0.6 then
        mcontroller.controlParameters({gravityMultiplier = 0,
        liquidImpedance = 0,
        liquidForce = 200})
        mcontroller.controlModifiers({speedModifier = 9.80})
    (Fun fact: as I went to my earlier post to paste the above code, I almost pasted 'yours'! They looked so similar.)
    What did you remove? A single line? You copied the entire script, except one single line.
    But hey, it's a little mod, nobody will notice if you just... take it. After all, it's a good mod! Nobody's making income from any of this, wHaT's ThE hArM¿

    You could've asked me. You could've posted on my profile; sent me a PM; made a thread titled "SOCK_BUNNY PLS REPLY"; comment on my mod; ask the question in a review.
    The answer: the swimming effect from my mod doesn't apply to monsters. You

    I have an idea: add "if monstertype == blahblah then <stolen code but with different numbers>" and claim it's yours.

    Read the mod description.
    Unrelated to everything else, but why only patch a few FU liquids, lava, and milk? Healing and poison water is basically just water, so those should've been patched as well. The patches were already in my mod...

    Oh, are these the extensive changes you made to my script? Well, merging something with Chucklefish's script doesn't make it yours.

    You added "* swimBoost" to my script, and a ton of if-monsterFish==1-then--<stolen code but with different numbers>".
    You copy-pasted what's basically "swimBoost = config.getParameter("swimBoost")" to a ton of config files, not scripts. What scripts did you change?

    Changing a number is not a 'special mechanic'.

    Adding a bunch of "if-then-<pasted stolen code>" to someone else's script does not make it YOUR script.
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I made it clear immediately upon you posting that I corrected that oversight, and intended to credit you for your work regardless. I make a point to credit anyone that in any way contributes or inspires the project. That's why the credits file is there in the first place.

    No, I did not imply that at all. Not even remotely.
    I was musing on why you didn't have the "wet" effect and other stuff in there, and simply stated that I had added that bit back in, and that you are more than welcome to take, edit, whatever, the additions I made.

    Not always, actually. 99% of the time I copy-pate existing patches in FU and change the text to suit what I need since it saves me needing to head over the the patch-generator site. There are many examples right in FU that use the exact format you're trying to claim I don't use.

        { "op": "test", "path": "/skelekinproto", "inverse" : false },
        {"op": "add","path": "/skelekinproto/stats/mechMass","value": 3},
        {"op": "add","path": "/skelekinproto/stats/healthBonus","value": 1.1},
        {"op": "add","path": "/skelekinproto/stats/energyBonus","value": 0.9}
    A patch being similar is not exactly uncommon. Sorry, but in this case you're off. I didn't use your patch files. Furthermore, many people contribute to FU, so the format of patch files could come from literally anyone that has contributed over time.

    I thought Healing Water already was a swimmable liquid in vanilla, and I didn't bother looking at your patch files for liquids since I already had my own I could work with in there. Since HealingWater was missing it didn't get done. I opted to leave it off of several liquids so that some would behave differently (black tar, quicksand, and a few others).

    Yes, I should have contacted you prior to doing it and had initially intended to do so but got carried away working on things (along with some real life crap that has been going on taking most of my concentration). Sorry about that. Dropped the ball on that one.

    As for what i changed:
    • Added the original wet effects and such back in.
    • New method calls and methods
    • Reworked aquasphere to play well with the mechanic change
    • tinkered with monsters to interact with the mechanics more, so that non-fish monsters could be made to behave in various ways (much to add here still but there are several supported creatures thus far)
    • Reworked the swimboost mechanics to function with it
    • Added a failsafe waterimmunity statuseffect to cancel the new mechanic in instances where it might be necessary to do so

    The only viable way to increase speed is via the mcontroller.controlModifiers so I had no choice but to do the same thing. mcontroller.controlParameters is also about the only way to edit the other properties too, save by using the less simple method employed in the shadowGas file.

    I'll just go ahead and change to the method used in shadow gas and other places, then. Again, I wasn't trying to cause issues. Apologies.

    The finished edits. That should do the trick, yes? Certainly not based on yours now. https://github.com/sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse/blob/master/stats/effects/swimming/swimming.lua
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    bk3k likes this.
  6. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    You still should've contacted me before. You used my content without permission, and are now changing it to make it look like you wrote it. When was the last time you asked permission?

    Eh... sounded like it.

    That clearly uses ": ", not ":". Quotation Mark, Colon, SPACE, Quotation Mark, not Quotation Mark, Colon, Quotation Mark.
    Either way, it's not important. Just seemed a bit strange how you only stole everything else.
    I'm not going to search every patch file to prove a minor point when it's clear as day you've stolen my mod.
    You keep 'forgetting' to credit people and ask for permission. Maybe do that BEFORE you start working? In fact, you STILL haven't asked for permission. Maybe you don't care? After all, it can just be rewritten to make it look like you wrote it.

    What status effect patches for liquids? The only ones I saw that didn't have just add the swim status effect were for liquid interactions.

    Just a bit weird how someone looking to change how liquids function would ignore the folder labeled "liquids". Just a tiny bit strange, maybe I'm insane.

    Apology denied.

    Invest in a notepad, pencil, or a reminder. If you need me to, you can DM me saying "yo remind me tomorrow to ask permission" and the next day I'll reply "oi m8 didja get perms".

    If you don't have time to work on this hobby... don't. Take a day off, take a week off, no need to stress yourself out.

    Wasn't waterimmunity already a thing?

    Yeah, it's neat that you changed--
    Wait, you didn't really change anything from my mod. You added onto it. Either way, that doesn't give you permission to use my content.

    Hey, so, if I steal something, add some stuff to it, it becomes mine, right? That's what I'm hearing. Does this work for anyone, or just you? It seems like it'd be handy to have! Ohhh! I'm gonna go to FU on Github and add a few things so it'll become mine~

    Nobody held a gun to your head and told you to steal my mod, word-for-word.
    You made the conscious choice to do what you always do. Steal a mod, pray that nobody notices, and when you get caught, rewrite the code you stole so anyone looking back scratches their head in confusion,

    Make sure you rename the variables and rearrange them, too. Last time you did that, someone caught you. Rewrite it so it looks like you wrote it, hide the author's name in some file with no reason as to why they're there, problem solved!

    If you could just use the shadow gas instead of stealing from me, why didn't you do that in the first place?!

    No, I don't care how you rewrite it and pretend it's yours.

    Remove the file entirely. Do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to look at my code in a different order and go "OWOW GEE SAYTER SURE DID GOOD MAH MOD AINT IN THAR NO MO'"? All you did was change "liquidPercentage() >= 0.62" to "self.shoulderHeight = 0.62 liquidPercentage() >= 0.62", hide a few things behind variables that only get used once, move the bottom of the script to the top, and overall just... ugh.

    You even put "mcontroller.controlModifiers(self.defaultSpeed) -- reset to base speed so they don't remain at high speeds." in onExpire(). That's not needed. You should know this; you've copied my mod, played with it, added a few things, then shuffled it up. I see right through you.

    You aren't even trying to hide it, the change description literally says "replaced raw values with param". No new script, just shuffled, replaced raw values with params, and hoped I'd be fine with it.

    Please just remove my content from your mod. Don't rewrite it. Don't claim it's yours because you "were going to ask".
    Or, maybe, ask for permission.

    EDIT: https://github.com/sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse/commit/0955b4cb739a2f330868d15ed83b26617c2d783a
    'all new'¿
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  7. NightmareDL

    NightmareDL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That user should be perma banned from Starbound mods already with all the other authors mods issues piling up
    That "convenient" 3 year old logic also is hilarious
  8. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I took a look at the original script and the stuff sayter did here. Although it achieves the same goal the original script "only" contains api-calls with value-assignments. These api-calls are necessary in order to modify the data. I can see that the actual script is based on the original idea but that its using necessary data which is needed by FU. So there is no other choice than to use these calls with the variables that are assigned here. Also he apologized and rewrote the script so its just based on the same idea now and achieves the same goal but does it in a totally different way. There is no need to cause any more trouble here for now. We can discuss further stuff via pm if you want to. I am deciding based on the current as-is state tho.

    I dont think i need to go into detail on when bans are issued. Claiming that there are issues piling up with other mod authors can you link the mods in question to me via pm? Cuz i am not aware on any as of now.
    tigerfestival and sayter like this.
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Not as its own status effect, no. Just as a stat. Now there's a way to apply it to entities when needed, rather than on/off. This allows me to use it for various other purposes later on.

    It's there as a redundancy, just in case it ever occurs that the value is somehow not triggered. I'm aware its not strictly necessary. You *have* played and modded starbound however, and are fully aware that sometimes things need an extra bit of redundancy. It isn't a bad idea in some cases. I can always strip it later, or expand on things as needed.

    I did.

    You don't own claim to the basic API calls that were used here. You wrote a few lines in swimming.lua, which are no longer present in my file in the same capacity at all. Looking at the two files side by side, there is no doubt the contents are vastly different. https://www.diffchecker.com/diff agrees. I've used this method now in the file in the past time and time again in various scripts, prior to yours ever existing in the first place.

    I'm not going to sit here and argue semantics over slightly different numeric values on params, so I'll be ignoring that part of your argument entirely since it isn't relevant.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
    bk3k likes this.
  10. BoundOffStars

    BoundOffStars Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hello, this will be my first time downloading FrackinUniverse. I have read the list of compatible mods, and I have a question.

    -I have a bunch of mods installed for Starbound. Some of these mods may already be included in FU, so do I need to delete them, or do they stay in the mods folder?

    I can provide a list of the mods I installed, but it will be a long list.
  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    you shouldnt have "doubles" installed at any point, really. It's always wise to remove those duplicates.
  12. LegendXCarisso

    LegendXCarisso Pangalactic Porcupine

    The swimming is kinda throwing me off a bit. I read the patch notes, but I'm failing to see a way to "root" myself to the ground while underwater. Otherwise, with these new swimming mechanics, I'd rather avoid water entirely... you're just far too slow! Old system at least let you use the various sprint/dash techs in order to keep good pace underwater... assuming you didn't have a submarine. Not trying to sound like a "whiner" as you may or may not see it, but uhh.... I feel like I have absolutely no control underwater... worse when you're just skimming the surface, and in campaign missions such as the Apex Stronghold. Can't tell you how many times I got killed just trying to jump out of this "quicksand"-like water only to get razed into atoms by an Apex with a rifle and/or shotgun.
    Sock_Bunny likes this.
  13. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    swimboost works if you grab the newest release on the github site. I will update it here now, forgot to do that. Plenty of things increase water agility, including various sets you can wear, and produce.

    I also fail to see how you feel like you have no control. You can float in place, and dodge attacks easily, both of which were functionally impossible before. It does take a bit of getting used to initially, though, but yea: now that boost is functioning properly you should have a much easier time moving faster as well.
  14. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  15. BoundOffStars

    BoundOffStars Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I see. So since it already exists in FrackinUniverse, it would just be like updating a mod, right? I'm assuming this. since you have to delete the oldest version of a mod and unpack the newest for it to work.
  16. tigerfestival

    tigerfestival Cosmic Narwhal

    Just delete all of the mods that Frackin Universe already have, they'll be issues if you don't.
  17. BoundOffStars

    BoundOffStars Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay, just making sure for future reference.
  18. um999

    um999 Space Spelunker

    I don't know if I should post this or not but I just wanted to say that I love Frackin' Universe so far, I just wish some of the race's sails and teleporter's hitboxes were fixed. (thelusian, X.I, Skath maybe, Peglaci, Tenebhrae maybe, Mantizi and Nightar)
    Every race but Eld'uukhar, Slime, Fenerox, Vel'uuish and Pharitu.

    The Teleporter thing is mainly thelusian.
    Skath's sail is meant to look blue but it turns out to be yellow. (human's sail)
    Tenebhrae's sail goes from red to black but with red static. (it's weird but alright)
    Nightar's sail is half Apex for some reason.

    The rest is just the Sail not have a rebooting/base spite.

    I know alot of the original creators are not on board anymore but I still really want to see these races finished.

    I really like the designs of them especially thelusian and I just want to have a proper playthrough with them.

    Them having no revive animations but I feel like they are missing alot to be looked over.

    I just really hope to see a update where these races get the fully finished, they are all amazing and it just sucks that their sails are broken. (and teleporter in thelusian's case)
  19. LegendXCarisso

    LegendXCarisso Pangalactic Porcupine

    I suppose since this ain't goin' away, I'll have to try the newer update, BUT.... see above what I said before.

    A tiny amount of water is all it takes to turn you into a snail in the water when it shouldn't. Go hop in a kiddy pool and tell me if your body physically starts trying to swim through 16" of water. As is, just a little water is enough to get you "fish barreled", whereas before I could walk on the surface no problem. Makes any apex facility with water doting the surface a chore to clear out. Air Dash worked just fine for moving about underwater which means that it was NOT "functionally impossible". Not to mention the other techs that provided side-to-side and/or vertical mobility.

    ...But who knows, maybe it's just about getting used to this bizarre new swimming system. I'd still say check out some of those issues mentioned above and see if some of that can't be ironed out in some way. I can't commit to a crusade against the Apexian menace if I can't walk through their facilities without being hindered by my brain (IOWs: Swim mechanics) thinking a glass of water is as big as a sea.

    EDIT: P.S: Only version on the github is still 5.6.372.


    EDIT II: This is a little microcosm of the suffering that the swimming mechanics are putting me through. How does THIS make any sense?? I should be touching the ground at this point, and I have to smash the bejeebus out of my spacebar to finally launch out of the water. If anything, I feel the new mechanics should ONLY kick in when you're a certain level under the water... I mean... you don't just sit on the surface of the water after jumping off a diving board into a pool, do you?

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
    Sock_Bunny likes this.
  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Worth investigating. I'll do that. I added a status effect or two specifically for these edge cases. I'll be sure to apply liberally.

    It does take depth into account. It's specifically programmed exactly that way. Seems edge-cases might exist. Might even be some wonkiness with the avali racial effect or something (due to their gravity-based effects). I've got a lot of other stuff to add to the system as I go, so I'll investigate this stuff too. Might be some simple bits of tinkering I can do to adjust what you describe. Thanks for this. It's always useful to get feedback.

    As for jumping out of the water....just press up+jump. Works just fine.

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    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
    LegendXCarisso likes this.

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