RELEASED FrauHaselmaus' Workshop - Many, Many Retextures! (Example: Grasspaths)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MiaEmilia, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Superior_s

    Superior_s Sandwich Man

    Not exactly done yet but here.
      KayokoSalsa likes this.
    • KayokoSalsa

      KayokoSalsa Guest

    • MiaEmilia

      MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I want to make different Houseversion for the Slime Hutch, but I don't have it build yet ingame for testing the different styles ^_^ But it's coming soon!
      For Example somehting like this and also ohter buildings (this is not done yet... :D )
      • swpau

        swpau Ketchup Robot

        but when i download the file not the zip file and is only a rar file ...don't need to unzip
        • swpau

          swpau Ketchup Robot

 can i use the rar file (smaller silo.rar) to replace the original xnb file?
          • Superior_s

            Superior_s Sandwich Man

            You have to unrar the rar file which is the same as unzipping a zip file. Hope that helps you with installing your mods.
            Edit: Download winrar or 7zip and unpack the rar. Hope that helped.
            • MiaEmilia

              MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

              - .zip and .rar are the same "filetype", so u have to unpack the .rar like .zip's. Or only open it and move it to the folder :)
              • Zhuria

                Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                .rars are basically .zips, I can't believe I've encountered someone in the wild who didn't know that! hehe. I recommend 7zip, it's pretty sweet.
                  MiaEmilia likes this.
                • swpau

                  swpau Ketchup Robot

                  oic..i will try it thx
                  • Superior_s

                    Superior_s Sandwich Man

                    I'd probably watch this as well.
                    • KayokoSalsa

                      KayokoSalsa Guest

                      I recommend using 7zip over WinRar since you don't get that annoying 'trial expiration' message after your trial (which the program still works fine afterwards) ends and is pretty much the same as WinRar just without the fancy menus. But that's up to you.
                        raenevigil, MiaEmilia and Zhuria like this.
                      • Gilclem

                        Gilclem Aquatic Astronaut

                        Can you help me? I can
                        t get the pink walls and floors or furniture to work. I renamed the original floors and walls as floors and wall1, is that maybe the problem? should I only rename for houses?
                        • CosyAlligator

                          CosyAlligator Aquatic Astronaut

                          the file name has to be exactly the same as the file you're replacing, otherwise the game can't read it ^^
                          • MiaEmilia

                            MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                            The blue one is the recolor -> This is the name for the one u wants ingame
                            The red one is the original -> u can rename it or move this for a backup into another folder, so u also have the original file, if u don't want to have a recolor in your game ^_^ Files.PNG
                            • masalone01

                              masalone01 Seal Broken

                              very very nice thk :nuruflirt:
                              but can you make Grass Path For Every Season(Gravelpath) in a single file. ^_^
                              • Kaisumo

                                Kaisumo Void-Bound Voyager

                                oh alright i must have put it in the wrong file then thanks for the reply though
                                • SasuraUchiha

                                  SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                                  Since it seems, that you did not see my original post:
                                  • MiaEmilia

                                    MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    U can onlychoose one from this files and delete the others ^_^ it's only for easier upload packed into a .rar.
                                    • MiaEmilia

                                      MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Do you mean mossy stone or normal Grasspath (like a new replacement)? :)
                                      • MiaEmilia

                                        MiaEmilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        I'm working on a new Slime Hutch :) (different Houseversion and colors coming soon <3 )
                                        Slimehutch1.PNG Slimehutch2.PNG

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