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Freelancer Alliances

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Johnbrickblaster, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Johnbrickblaster

    Johnbrickblaster Void-Bound Voyager

    So.... Considering the current quests system, I think that perhaps, in a future update, we could have a Freelancer Alliance system. Does anyone remember the game Freelancer? Anyway, if you haven't played/heard of it, in the game you'd have a Allegiance chart, where if you do quests for a nation, like for Starbound, a fetch quest for the Apex Miniknog, then your standing with them will be raised, and you can buy/interact with them on a better scale than if you are just neutral or, (heaven forbid!) actively hostile towards them. If your friends with the current racial faction on a planet, then you can trade, etc. But if you commit actions of aggression towards a nation, i.e. kill their colonists, steal from them, or destroy their cities, then all sub-factions will attack on sight.

    These factions could be racial, like the Miniknog, USMS, etc, or a militant group, like Dreadwing's pirate group, or other mercenaries, and how you react to one, can affect other factions too.

    This is just a germ of an idea, so feel free to add onto it.

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