Front walls!

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Lobo, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    In Terraria we can craft back walls, wich is placed one layer behind the player and both doesn't collide.
    But what if in Starbound, they add a front wall? It's going to be placed one layer in front of the player, so we can walk behind it, AND when the player is behind this wall, it becomes invisible!

    Something like this:

    - Players outside the wall see it this way:

    - But, the moment you step inside, the wall becomes invisible for you!
    (players outside the wall still see it as the first picture, and can't see you while you're inside)

    Front walls would open a lot of new possibilities, like secret passages, hidden caves and better-looking houses!

    What you guys think? :)

    Edit: nvm, sugested already, some1 may close this :p
    Jorden619 and nomotog like this.
  2. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    As you mentioned in your edit, this has been suggested. However, this is some good art. You could post it at the other thread.
  3. Banthrau

    Banthrau Subatomic Cosmonaut

    that could add some cool designs for the house, and could add the the immersion of the world, instead of it looking like you don't have a fourth wall.

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