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Bug/Issue Game crashes when going for train

Discussion in 'Support' started by GalopaWXY, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. GalopaWXY

    GalopaWXY Void-Bound Voyager


    The title pretty much says it all... I tried in the first year to go the the railroad after having the "a train passes through Stardew Valley" message. I went up, and when the map loaded the railroad, the game crashed immediatly. For a while I stayed away from it altogether but it works fine as long as there isn't a train.
    Just now I was nearby when I got the message and not much had happened in my day, so I went for it and it crashed the exact same way as the first time. There's no issue to re-launch the game after that and it runs smoothly otherwise.

    I have the Steam version up to date. I use Windows 7 Pro edition. My graphic card is also up to date.

    Thanks ^^

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