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Bug/Issue Game stuttering

Discussion in 'Support' started by gjacka, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. gjacka

    gjacka Space Hobo

    My game is stuttering/lagging.

    GTX 970 and Core i5 on Win10.

    -Ensured it is using GPU.
    -Set Process Affinity.
    -Reinstalled from dotnet and xna folder in dist folder of the game directory.
    -Updated graphics drivers.

    I have tried everything but it is making the game unplayable.
    I am running a 144hz monitor and am wondering if that is causing the issue.

    Any suggestions or ideas are welcome. I really want to play.

    Thanks in advance :D!
    • KittenMasher

      KittenMasher Seal Broken

      Are you using two monitors? Whenever I plug in my second monitor I get random stutters through out my time playing
      • gjacka

        gjacka Space Hobo

        I am using 2 monitors.

        After a bit more investigation I noticed it is an FPS drop. (There is a post about this so I am following that)

        I read that it may help to install the latest XNA resdist (4.0) and reboot. I plan to try this tonight.

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