Garden Variety provides a selection of 16 UI/HUD/dialogue recolours. See the Menu image below for a preview of all 16. See in-game screenshots on the Nexus page for a few examples. Some schemes work better than others (like I can't in good conscience recommend Wheat if I'm honest, but when you set out to make a rainbow, you make a rainbow), but it's all down to personal taste in the end. This mod is not compatible with any mod that replaces Cursors.xnb, MenuTiles.xnb, or font_bold.xnb. However if you use my Junimo Artifact Dig Spots mod, you can contact me and I can merge that mod into this one for you. Just let me know which colour UI and Junimo you want. If I get any requests, I will upload them here, so please check first. SMAPI not required. To use this mod, navigate to the folder of your chosen colour. BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL FILES and then replace Cursors.xnb and font_bold.xnb in Content\LooseSprites, and MenuTiles.xnb in Content\Maps. If you don't like the coloured text, I recommend using the text file from the Storm pack as it's a neutral hue. Known Issues: -v1.0 had a number of issues (visual only) with a few colour packs and has been scrapped. I believe that v2.0 is a vast improvement. -No known issues in v2.0. Please let me know if you find any. While I always appreciate feedback, I am not really able to do any non-essential updates to this mod in the foreseeable future. Changes in v2.0: -Dialogue boxes, dialogue text, and inventory borders recoloured for all packs (I hate to have to say this, but some people can't be trusted to respect the work the modding community does, so... WARNING: Do not download this mod from any place other than NexusMods or the Chucklefish forums! WWW.STARDEWVALLEYMODS.NET STEALS MODS AND UPLOADS THEM ON THEIR WEBSITE WITHOUT PERMISSION. DO NOT download any mods there! If you see my mods anywhere other than Nexus or the forums, please link me to the site ASAP. Thank you!)
Garden Variety UIs was an August File of the Month winner on Nexus! Thank you to everyone who endorsed and voted. It means a lot to me. Added Junimo Artifact Dig Spots compatibility: -Seed/Rainbow -Storm/Blue -Blueberry/Green
Due to requests, there are beta Cursors.xnb files available (on Nexus) in the following languages: -Deutsch (Ancient Fruit) -EspaƱol (Blueberry) I have not and will not be testing these, so use at your own risk!