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RELEASED Gardenbot 2.1 -- REBOOTED --

Robotic Farming ... IN SPACE! - Supports modded plants! - Cheerful 1.3.4

  1. bn880

    bn880 Orbital Explorer

    Can miner bots be used in multiplayer? I installed the MP friendly mod, but modified the config to enable the miners, just want to know what the consequence is for MP.
  2. bn880

    bn880 Orbital Explorer

    Good question, I would assume no.
    They don't even work when you are far away from them, for that part at least I plan to use the electronics hack same as used for very long elevators. This is a serious limitation to starbound though that you can't force simulate certain areas.
  3. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    I think they still work on the ship while on planet. Tho it has been a while since I checked.
  4. Zauber Paracelsus

    Zauber Paracelsus Pangalactic Porcupine

    I found a bug. Defense Turrets seem to treat the garden bots as hostile entities and fire on them.

    And yeah, I realize that the garden bots can defend themselves... but I had put up defense turrets anyways because they would do a better job (or at least, they would if they didn't attack the garden bots)
  5. valavaern

    valavaern Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ran into a weird issue: the garden bots aren't respecting the garden posts; they just breeze right past them.
  6. steakhutzeee

    steakhutzeee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Question, don't remember where, but i read that the bots only works when you looking at them. So you can't leave with them that continue to do their job. Right?
  7. valavaern

    valavaern Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No luck: I was standing there, staring at the little bastard, and he just wandered right out of his little spot in the greenhouse. :(
  8. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Bots only interact with things in a loaded area, i.e. where you are, yeah. Trees and plants run on an internal timer to simulate "offstage" growing, so they'll be fully grown if you leave the planet/station/ship for long enough, but gardenbots can't interact with anything unless the area is loaded in. You don't have to stand right nearby to get them to work, but close enough that the place doesn't "unload".
  9. steakhutzeee

    steakhutzeee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks! So if I use the bots on a planet and then I leave the planet, the bot stop to work?
  10. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    They can't work if you're not around, so yeah. But they immediately start working again as soon as you show up (much like that lazy coworker who slacks off whenever the boss isn't around), so you don't have to restart them. Once they've been started, you don't have to deal with them at all.

    Keep them fenced in, though, since they don't really respect those garden markers. Especially if they see a container nearby they want to put things in.
    steakhutzeee likes this.
  11. steakhutzeee

    steakhutzeee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry, what this means? :
    now included in download - unzip included "Gardenbot2_MP_2107.zip" into mods
    or rename "gardenbot2.config.nominers" to "gardenbot2.config""
  12. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Is there some way to have the gardenbots flagged as "friendly" to tenants and crewmembers? In every setup I've had, NPCs would constantly get into whatever room or place I have bots working in, and attack them for no reason. Usually causing a lot of trouble.

    For instance, earlier today I had an out-of-the-way spot with a bunch of farm animals and a guardin'bot (because they will collect milk and stuff from the animals, very handy) on my ship. Cue my engineer walking in, pulling out a rocket launcher, and firing it into the crowd. No more farm animals...

    Really wish this could be corrected. Isn't there some flag for "allied" or something?
  13. Quem

    Quem Intergalactic Tourist

    Awesome mod. Can you please make them harvest cattle as well? I tried, thinking it would be already there, but no luck :p
  14. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    The v87 Guard Bot handles farm animals.
    Quem likes this.
  15. Quem

    Quem Intergalactic Tourist

    Oh, thank you!
  16. Quem

    Quem Intergalactic Tourist

    When I read "farm beast harvester", I didn't know farm beasts yet, so I understood he was like the most crazy fast harvester of all.
  17. AngleWyrm

    AngleWyrm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Feature request:
    Could these items be added to the portable TerraCart?

  18. Avito

    Avito Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Add functions to the miners Bot gaining skills in the style of gaden bot
  19. NullVoid01

    NullVoid01 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If these bot can harvest farm animals that would be excellent, also why is my pet attacking the bots when I place it in the pet tether, some instances my crew do it too.
    AngleWyrm likes this.
  20. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    The guard bots harvest farm animals

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