Gases and chain reactions

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Spacefawx, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero

    Gases and chain reactions
    So heres my idea:​

    We got blocks in solid form and in liquid form but how about gas form, gas could go up instead of down like liquid, certain types of of gas could kill you if you absorb to much, gas could also be used to push certain things, certain types of gas could explode when exposed to fire or other types of gas etc.

    i also think there should be chain reactions when diffrent liquids/gases collides, they could make explosion, make light, etc.
    Types of gases:
    There's two main types of gas, lying and flying, lying gases like will drift around close to the ground and in caves, flying will try to get higher and higher up till it reaches the atmosphere.

    How to see invisible gases:
    To see certain types of gases that doesn't have any colour you need either an gas detector which you get at the start of the game or infrared goggles which you get later in the game, the gas detector will beep when you're near gas and the infrared goggles will let you see the gases in a red colour.

    How to protect against gases:
    • Don't go near them if you dont wear the proper gear.
    • Use a gas mask, this will render the gas harmless and you will be able to breath in it for a long duration, you can combine the infrared goggles with the gas mask to make an better version of the two, this one will make you how leathal the gas is by clicking on the gas, it will also make you breath for a longer duration.
    List of gases and such things.
    Smoke, standing in it will make you cough and will make the screen slightly darker. -Flying- Original thread here
    Vacuum, more like an air block, will make you suffocate if you dont wear a spacesuit. -Flying-
    Tear gas, Will make the screen blury and do damage over time. -Lying-
    Fog, Will make the sides of the screen white. -Lying- Original thread here
    Coal gas, Crafted using coal but is also released when coal is mined, if set on fire it burns fora long time
    Chlorine gas, corrosive, eats away you and your items unless you wear proper equipment. -Lying-
    Hydrogen gas, Highly explosive but allows you to float. -Flying-
    Burning air, A rare type of gas that sets fire to almost anything it comes into contact with, including you.
    Stink gas, produced by some swamp/fallout zone creatures, collects in clumps around the player's head, in high concentrations can be flammable -Lying-
    Humid air, like normal air, and would be in the same quantities, but only found in jungle biomes/planets. adds a slight jungle green tint to the air, causes metal implements/buildings to rust over a long period of time -Lying-
    Mustard gas, will slow you down form poisoning within a day, will kill you within three although this is very rare. -Lying-

    Leave additional gas ideas in the comments, also don't forget to mention what type of gases they are.
  2. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i like this idea. they would mostly only form in caves and inside buildings. unless it was a low hanging gas log a fog or something.

    underground caves that are full of bad gas that you need to find away around, or make some system to get the gas out without killing you.

    also could be used as a home defense item. line a low hallway with barrels of nasty toxic gas that you explode, lock the doors, wait a few moments and the go search the bodies.
    Spacefawx likes this.
  3. Dead

    Dead Star Wrangler

    I really like this idea as well! If we had gas blocks, we would almost certianly be able to find a use for it as a resource as well! I really like the SCIENCE that you are adding to the mix, as well.

    I think you should expand on that idea a little bit... maybe come up with more specic examples and what their implications would be? It's a great idea and I hope that the devs give it some good consideration.
  4. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like it too. It could be like lava, a hazard you need to work around. Drain it away, burn it off, or wear suitable equipment, such as a gas mask, or if it's kinda corrosive, a full hazmat suit.
  5. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero

    Edited the op a bit.
    777eza likes this.
  6. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright. More ideas:
    -Chlorine Gas: Corrosive, eats away at you and your items unless you have proper equipment
    -Hydrogen Gas: Highly explosive, but also allows you to float.
    -Burning Air: A rare type of gas that sets fire to almost anything it comes into contact with, including you.
  7. cosmicbanana

    cosmicbanana Tentacle Wrangler

    Coal gas (lying mabye?)
    crafting using coal but is also let of when coal is mined
    burns for a long time
  8. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero

    Which type are they, flying or lying?
    777eza likes this.
  9. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    Hows about these?

    Stink gas: produced by some swamp/fallout zone creatures, collects in clumps around the player's head, in high concentrations can be flammable -lying but with some structure-
    Humid Air: like normal air, and would be in the same quantities, but only found in jungle biomes/planets. adds a slight jungle green tint to the air, causes metal implements/buildings to rust over a long period of time -lying-

    also can i suggest?
    lying flying lying?
  10. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero

    With some structure, do you mean it floats mid air or something like that?
    777eza likes this.
  11. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    i mean't like it clumps together on the ground, as opposed to spreading out thinly, but floating around sound cool :)
  12. muggyfox1

    muggyfox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    this is something that terraria should have done, it would be interesting to have to be careful of gases.
  13. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    terraria had enough trouble dealing with water and lava :L
  14. muggyfox1

    muggyfox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    terraria also had the obsidian skin potion, and i saw in here someone suggested a gas mask to counter gases.
  15. GalacticRooster

    GalacticRooster Big Damn Hero

    What if there was a way to see or at least detect gases? Like special goggles (infrared maybe) or a gas detector item that warns you if there are dangerously high gas levels in the area.

    "Warning- Neurotoxin levels at dangerously unlethal amounts."
  16. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh. Flying. They just float around in the air. Well, the hydrogen does, at least.
  17. Sol Pruina

    Sol Pruina Over 9000!!!

    This idea sounds great!
    ^ This :)
  18. cosmicbanana

    cosmicbanana Tentacle Wrangler

    Mustard Gas (A dangerous experiment result)
    very poisoinous
  19. cosmicbanana

    cosmicbanana Tentacle Wrangler

    would you be able to see smoke, it would come up from a fire and be all dark greay and black coloured

    oh btw not made with mustard :p
  20. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero

    Some more info please. on what it does, i've wrote how i think it works in the list.
    777eza likes this.

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