Goat Replacement: Better Goat colors that replace the yellow coloring of the original goats. I didn't like the appearance of the original goats with the yellow coloring, so this mod changes the goat coloring to brown with white details. Baby Goat: New Original Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yqxyc18s4yr18sb/BabyGoat.xnb Goat: New Original Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/y93mtwwo4lh7ead/Goat.xnb To install: Make a backup of the goat.xnb and babygoat.xnb file located in \Stardew Valley\Content\Animals then replace with the new xnb files.
Is there a way to change the adult sprite of the goat to stay the same as the baby sprite? I've always hated the adult sprite but the baby one is so cute!
An easy way to do that is to make a copy of the baby goat file and rename the copy as "goat" that way the game will use the babygoat file for both a baby goat and an adult goat