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RELEASED Gyrusens+ [v1.8.6]

Alien reptile race from distant lands, and more! (No longer requires Airless Dungeons!)

  1. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Most likely because the guard files haven't been introduced yet. :p

    The tenant files ARE there, however they're remnants of an old version of the guard was was broken: them, along with the Gyrusen Recruiter (which was supposed to be the NPC that sold you the spawners) have been removed a long time ago due to obsolete mechanics or behavior problems. Though, thank you for bringing attention to this! I had almost entirely forgotten about it and never got around to fix/reimplement them; I'll do my best to reintroduce the guards, and make the appropriate changes to their tenant files so they're easier to spawn.

    For now, I suggest settling with non-gyrusen guards until the next update hits.

    Apologies for the inconveniences!
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  2. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    I have a question. What are the tomes? I found a fire tome and don't know what to do with it. Now it sits in a chest in my cargo hold.
  3. Mr.UNDER

    Mr.UNDER Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tomes need for crafting armor and upgrading weapon after durasteel level
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  4. royal_fish

    royal_fish Phantasmal Quasar

    Fantastic mod with an unbelievable amount of content.

    I did lots of quests for a Gyrusen village, and every time one asked to join my crew afterwards, they would all then say, "I have nothing to say to you," when I talked to them, so I was not able to hire any of them.
    G.Xyon likes this.
  5. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Seems I've been having this error too in the past! Thank you for confirming that it wasn't just me going crazy, I'll see what I can do to fix it.

    And for those of you that have been wondering where I've gone, no no, I haven't abandoned the project yet! But being honest, this next update has taken a toll on me and my partner, and other IRL things have been taking quite a lot of priority (as we all the usual distraction from time to time), but we'll get to updating the mod soon! I can assure you all that the wait will be worth it!
  6. royal_fish

    royal_fish Phantasmal Quasar

    This is already 500% more fleshed out than any other custom race addon, don't stress yourself! I almost regret not starting as a Gyrusen myself after encountering all the neat stuff; I can't wait to see if there are more Tear Hexers somewhere to take down.
  7. Myuuthemew

    Myuuthemew Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder when I can finally go to the home planet again. I miss the place o^o
  8. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    According to the update list, very very soon!

    I apologize for my lack of appearance these past few months; the hurricane Maria had hit us fairly hard, but now that things have been recuperating, we've been able to work back on track!

    There's still quite a lot for us to do in respect to this update, but hopefully the update will be our little christmas present to you all.
    Dragon_Tom005 likes this.
  9. Mr.UNDER

    Mr.UNDER Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey G.Xyon what's up?
    Playing around and visit Ruins when suddenly discover Hexin Tear base
    Please tell me that it's just a generation mistake an Tear didn't drink tea cyanider with cultists
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017
  10. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Sheesh, nearly been three months since I've replied... how time files!

    A lot has been going on in my end and I have been unable to properly do anything Starbound related since around the end of December, but things are looking up quite well!

    Here's some minor sneak peaks at some minor features and tweaks that are added into the mod!

    Redesigned HoverBike: https://puu.sh/znn1T.gif
    (Apparently the file is too big to be shown)

    Lore thusfar is making some slow and steady progress. I hope you all like to read, there's going to be 20+ codices filled with pure Xyian lore! Our current next goal is to work on Space Station-type encounters and bases, as well as a GSF-themed Deployable station (in case you don't particularly feel that the pocket dimensions are enough). The city is still being brainstormed as far as structures and unique NPCs, but it's slowly beginning to solidify.

    Nope! That's entirely intentional! The Hexing Tear group just isn't right in the head.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
  11. ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ

    ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thought you said the music tenant is currently broken but it seems I'm the ONLY person that doesn't have this issue?

    Attached Files:

  12. ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ

    ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, now I see why the Gyrusen arcade merchant is selling a perfectly generic item. It's selling "slimehandgrapple." That item doesn't exist in the game files nor the mod files
  13. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    I believe the only tenant that's currently broken are the Guards, since the files aren't even there!

    Thanks for letting me know, removed the item from the vendor's pool! Should be reflected in the new update.


    With that being said, the extended hiatus is officially over, and me and my partner have resumed working on the mod once more! So far a lot has been done: most of the dungeons have been successfully transferred over to Tiled, a few new mechanics have been introduced, many new items have been implement (several old ones have changed or may have been scrapped), and the city has been fully brainstormed and is ready to be implemented once several necessary additions are made. Unfortunately this new build may be incompatible with older builds as it changes a lot of things internally.

    Additionally, I have thought of opening a discord server for those who are still following the mod and want to be more up-to-date on what's being actually done! (As well as any other mods I may have made.)


    Have a good one! <3
  14. DracoScale

    DracoScale Phantasmal Quasar

    That's great! I always like the mod, but after a while it just got stuck with the problems mods normally have after a lack of updates. Love to see yall comin back strong!
  15. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Glad to be back! Speaking honestly we're currently dealing with more more tougher aspects of the mod, which is revising pretty much everything and making sure everything looks and works fine before we begin working on the main cities and encounterable villages. There's been a lot of polish throughout the mod as well!

    I personally wish I could share the dev build instead of talking about it, but that would honestly ruin some of the surprises. :p

    The species that appeared in the earlier gif are not replacements for gyrusens, but the sister species of them called Parundeas, one of the four Xyian species that will be talked about in the lore codices! So far they're almost fully implemented and will be making appearances all over the mod, and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  16. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Apologies for the double post, however we have a public discord now for all of our mods! Jump in to find out the current dev status of our mods and talk about starbound (and non-starbound) stuff!

    >> https://discord.gg/cQcumTd <<
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
  17. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Hey fellas.

    After much talking with the co-owner, it's with a heavy heart that we've taken the decision to indefinitely suspend all Starbound projects. We've attempted to explore any and all possibilities and plans to avoid this, however this is a decision that we've come to after debating on the subject, and not lightly for that matter. There has been some thoughts of possibly accepting volunteers to help out with the future workload, but alas we're still not sure of that yet. The current build update will not be scrapped, but it will not be released publicly as of yet.

    I'd like to deeply apologize for this decision but it's honestly in our best interest to quit while we still have our wits about, and hope you have enjoyed Gyrusens+ and our other mods! I know we have! You continued support has been both fantastic and enlightening, and we will carry those feelings onto greener pastures, wherever they may be.

    Thank you, and have a good one.

    - Gyrruss & Turbo Zero

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