Halfway Version 1.0.4

Discussion in 'Support' started by CoDi, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. CoDi

    CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

    List of changes in version 1.0.4

    • We made further adjustments to reduce dynamic memory usage during missions.
    • We also identified and fixed a bug which caused an increasing amount of memory not released properly when switching characters in combat.
    Bug fixes:
    • Modified Gina's passive skill to regenerate 1 HP every two rounds, ignoring her maximum health value.
    • Unconscious units are revived now when leaving a level.
    • Fixed crash when enemy target was lost while executing some special skills, e.g. shield remove.
    • Added 'physical' exits to some levels which could only be completed by using the UI button in the upper right corner.
    • eltroubabadour

      eltroubabadour Space Hobo

      When this new version will be downloadable from the humble store because only the 1.0.3c is still available from there.
      • CoDi

        CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

        For the Humble Store we'll probably forward to 1.0.5 right away which is currently in preparation. If everything goes as expected the Humble Store version will be updated before midnight GMT / early afternoon PDT.

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