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Hay disappears from inside coop/barn (single-player)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Yurikazen, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Yurikazen

    Yurikazen Space Hobo

    Hey there,

    I created a new game some days ago, and after building the first coop I registered the following bug.

    During the morning, I always fill up the coop bench with hay, but the next day some of the hay will disappear (usually double the quantity of the animals present in the building, so 2 chickens = 4 hay missing). I observed the chickens, to see if they regularly ate grass outside, and they do. After constructing the barn, I noticed that the same problem applies to that building too. I tried to upgrade both building to get rid of the problem (currently they are big coop/big barn) but no such luck.

    It's a pretty big problem because I am afraid of running out of hay soon, and I would be pretty sad of deleting the save file after so many hours. Can anybody help me?
    • Blorp

      Blorp Big Damn Hero

      Can you zip your save folder and attach it to a post here?
      • Yurikazen

        Yurikazen Space Hobo

      • Blorp

        Blorp Big Damn Hero

        Had you zipped it rather than using rar, you would have been able to attach it here...
        Anyway, there isn't any problem with your save, it's a bug in the game. You can avoid it happening by making sure the animals are all indoors before you go to bed.

        @Katzeus: Farm.DayUpdate calls FarmAnimal.dayUpdate directly for each outside animal, which will move them home if the door is open, and then do all the animal end-of-day things. Each building also calls dayUpdate for each present animal, meaning animals that are sent home during the initial loop get processed twice, possibly eating hay twice. I suggest FarmAnimal.dayUpdate should return when the animal is sent home, allowing it to be processed by the building later.
        • Yurikazen

          Yurikazen Space Hobo

          All right, thank you for your time! This community is pretty great :) Have a nice day!

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