We should have the ability to place these things: Cloud blocks Rainbows (with raining candy) Marshmallows (maybe even bounce on them) Candy Blocks Chocolate Squares Pudding (that you can sink in) All I know is that it would be cool for candy planets to exist.
I'm pretty sure a candy planet has already been suggested. If nothing else I always see Wrath asking about it on the IRC. I'd love to build with food though, count me in on the bandwagon.
Meh, I don't really like candy... I like chocolate, and pudding dough... Well, you get my support just because there are (hopefully eatable) candy squares! ^^
That would be an edible block!!! AWESOME!!! Maybe animals will be attracted to it and they will eat it slowly. Maybe candy turrets that shoot m&m's. maybe a cool animal: the gingerbread man.
I like the idea of themed planets in general, and this is an interesting theme. Purple sky, pink dirt, cotton candy trees. I can't wait!
I'd really like to build a castle in the sky, supported by cloud blocks. I also love the idea of confectionary-themed blocks.