RP Heliabound permadeath

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Iceball457, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    "That's good as long as you don't get hurt and you lead them to... we should lead them into the tunnels, there will be less people down there. Do you have a gun?"
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  2. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    Kevin winces.
    “Yeah... I don’t think so. I didn’t really expect fighting when I was coming over here, so I didn’t pack a weapon.”
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  3. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    "Hmm, that's going to be a problem... maybe you can go to the cops and pretend to be a concerned citezen with an important situation?"

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