want to swap mech and beam buttons so beam button's position don't change, regardless of deploy appears or not, i made Code: interface.config.patch : Code: [ {"op":"add","path":"/mainBar/beam/disabled","value":"/interface/beamno.png"}, {"op":"remove","path":"/mainBar/deploy/disabled"}, {"op":"replace","path":"/mainBar/deploy/pos/1","value":0}, {"op":"replace","path":"/mainBar/deploy/poly","value":[ [0, 0], [17, 0], [17, 17], [0, 17] ]}, {"op":"replace","path":"/mainBar/beam/pos/1","value":20}, {"op":"replace","path":"/mainBar/beam/poly","value":[ [0, 20], [17, 20], [17, 37], [0, 37] ]} ] start game>choose character and game crashed, closing the window. log: https://pastebin.com/jigHNeVE edited: more specific
it sort of work, but i need their position to be consistent, ie beam button above deploy only when deploy button appear: Code: <beam> <no deploy button> and Code: <beam> <deploy>