Modding Help HELP!! How to make any item animated?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Noah Nebula, Aug 11, 2018.

  1. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I'v been getting into animating items a lot lately, but I came to a halt when trying to make an animated 8 frame Axe. With no luck...

    I have the .png with all 8 frames

    and the .frames file to go with it, here is the code for the .frames

    "frameGrid" : {
    "size" : [48, 24],
    "dimensions" : [8, 1],
    "names" : [
    [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ]
    "aliases" : {
    "default.default" : "default.0"

    and here is the code for the .activeitem

    "itemName" : "nebulanbattleaxe",
    "level" : 2,
    "price" : 480,
    "maxStack" : 1,
    "rarity" : "Common",
    "description" : "This axe is surprisingly hefty for its size.",
    "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Axe",
    "tooltipKind" : "sword",
    "category" : "axe",
    "twoHanded" : false,
    "itemTags" : ["weapon","melee","axe"],
    "inventoryIcon" : "nebulanbattleaxeicon.png",
    "animation" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/battleaxe.animation",
    "animationParts" : {
    "blade" : "blade.png",
    "blade" : {
    "frames" : 8,
    "cycle" : 0.25,
    "mode" : "loop",
    "handle" : ""
    "animationCustom" : {
    "sounds" : {
    "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_axe.ogg" ]
    "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"],
    "elementalType" : "physical",
    "aimOffset" : -1.0,
    "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave",
    "primaryAbility" : {
    "fireTime" : 0.9,
    "baseDps" : 9.5,
    "damageConfig" : {
    "knockback" : 25
    "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildunrandweapon.lua"

    How do I get this to work?

    Attached Files:

  2. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    Animated weapons have to use the energyweapons.lua
    See if that helps, if you still have trouble, I'll look through your files and get it working for you.
  3. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Do I replace the meleeweapon.lua with energyweapons.lua?
  4. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff


    Take a look at the solus katana to learn about animated weapons.
  5. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    already figured it out thanks anyways
    projectmayhem likes this.

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