Hi, I've recently been working on an overhaul mod that adds lots of new dialogues for all the characters, including events. When working on events, if there is a question, I've become accustomed to the replies to player answers being in the specific characters dialogue.yaml. Except Shane. I was tweaking the dialogue for his 6 Heart event in the Cindersap forest, and although I could edit the responses the farmer can give him to his question, I can't for the life of me find the file where Shane's answers are. They're not in his regular Shane.yaml dialogue file, like all the other characters. Could anyone possibly tell me where to find Shane's responses to event questions? What I'm looking for: HIS RESPONSES: (SPOILERS AHEAD!!) "Because there's so much to live for!" (No effect on friendship.) "Maybe for you, but not for me! You're not going to understand... Just... go away. ...Ugh..." "Jas needs you. You're like a father to her." (No effect on friendship.) "...You're right. Jas... Ugh, God... I'm a horrible, *hic*... selfish person. Now I feel even worse..." "It would be a sin." (No effect on friendship.) "Yoba...? (Player), don't you know I'm an athiest? Ugh..." "The decision is your own. Just know that I'm here for you." (No effect on friendship.) "Thanks... I appreciate that... I really do." His .yaml also seems to contain three replies I haven't been able to place where they come from. event_noLoan1: "I didn't know you were such a miser...$s" #!String event_noLoan2: "Okay, Dad...$s^Okay, Mom...$s" #!String event_noLoan3: "Oh, wow...$s" #!String If anyone could tell me where to find those answers I'd be most grateful!!! And to a lesser extent, I'm curious about those "noloan" dialogues, but that's really more of a curiosity than anything else. Thank you all in advance! I hope someone can help
Hrm, I'm not too sure about the "noLoan" stuff. But, I found the responses you were looking for in the following location: "Content/Strings/StringsFromCSFiles" Starting at Line 294: Code: Event.cs.1760: "Maybe for you, but not for me! You're not going to understand... Just... go away.$7#$b#...Ugh...$7#$b#Wait...$7" #!String Event.cs.1761: "...You're right. Jas... Ugh, God... I'm a horrible, *hic*... selfish person.$7#$b#Now I feel even worse...$7" #!String Event.cs.1763: "Wha... Yoba...? @, don't... don't you know I'm an atheist? Ugh... $7" #!String Event.cs.1764: "...$7#$b#Thanks... I appreciate that... I really do.$7" #!String