Modding Help Help with custom events

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Isalami, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Isalami

    Isalami Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, I'm still quite anewbie modder (even though I'm licensed on nexus) so bear with me. I'm trying to add events to my mod due to popular demand, but there's one thing I don't understand about the process of making events: (everything else is quite clear.)

    It's how to move the characters. Currently, for the life of me, I do not understand how. I know how to set the characters in certain directions, but NOT how to move them on the x/y axis.
    I understand that you move them by inputting certain numbers, but how do I know which numbers to put depending on where I want to move the character?

    Thanks in advance :)
    • Eros DkAl

      Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

      /move "name of the character" x y f

      When you set the hcaracter spawn on the event you have to use normal coordinates on the map. To move the character from that spot you have to set the amount of tiles that the character will move and the direction in which it will move.
      To move the character one tile to the right change "x" to "1" to move it one tile to the left change "x" to "-1", to move the character one tile down cange "y" to "1" and to move it one tile up change "y" to "-1".

      To move the character:

      Right = x to number
      Left = x to negative number
      Down = y to number
      Up = y to negative number

      Just remember that you can't move a character diagonally, ex: /move farmer -3 5 0, if you want to move a character to a diagonal tile first set "/move farmer -3 0 0" and after "/move farmer 0 5 0 " (or vice versa), if you try to move a character to both coordinates at once the character will bug and it will obey only to x and then it will never stop going to that direction.

      f = facing direction, the direction that the character will face once it stops on the tile set.

      Direction that the character can face:
      0 = looking up
      1 = looking right
      2 = looking down
      3 = looking left

      I hope this has been helpful to you, if it was not, I'm sorry.

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