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Help with files

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dnksh, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Dnksh

    Dnksh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi, I'm making polish translation to SV and i have little problem.
    From which file it get's that {0}? It sounds ridiculous with these words that it gets.

    NPC.cs.4094": "If you want {0} to like you, give him '{1}'.",
    "NPC.cs.4097": "If you want {0} to like you, give her '{1}'.",
    "NPC.cs.4100": "If you want to get on {0}'s good side, give him '{1}'.",
    "NPC.cs.4103": "If you want to get on {0}'s good side, give her '{1}'.",
    "NPC.cs.4106": "If you want to make friends with {0}, you can't go wrong with '{1}'.",
    • MouseyPounds

      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

      The {0} is replaced by the name of an NPC and the {1} is replaced by an item. For example, the game might use NPC.cs.4097 when creating dialogue for Haley which says "If you want Emily to like you, give her Topaz."
      • Dnksh

        Dnksh Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Problem is, when for example sebastian says that he says, "my" in polish, and i can't find this line. I think he want's to say my mom but can't find that line.
        • MouseyPounds

          MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

          Those are in the same file. (Strings\StringsFromCSFiles)
            "NPC.cs.4079": "my {0}",
            "NPC.cs.4080": "my {0}",
          "Mom" and whatever are defined in Data\NPCDispositions.
            "Sebastian": "teen/rude/shy/negative/male/datable/Abigail/Town/winter 10/Robin 'mom' Maru 'half-sister' Sam ''/SebastianRoom 10 9/Sebastian",
          • Dnksh

            Dnksh Subatomic Cosmonaut

            It's strange... I have just changed these lines and it still get's same problem, I'll try to change it a little bit. In case of fix, I'll write.

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