Help with hair/clothing mods

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Isalami, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. Isalami

    Isalami Void-Bound Voyager

    So I made my own content patcher mod a while back for my own custom shirts and hairs. I knew they'd be broken after 1.4 because the files had some changes to them, so I copy and pasted my old shirts and hairs and manually added them to the new files' pngs, but they still aren't showing up in the game. Why? It's a content patcher mod btw, and all of my other self-made content patcher ones work.

    Help would be appreciated! What should I do to get these hairs and shirts into 1.4 with content patcher?
    • Moragaine

      Moragaine Existential Complex

      @Isalami There are new hairs and new farmer sprites that they are used on, it's a bit more complicated now. Clothing, shirts and pants/skirts are items now (there's even a specific dresser to store them it). I'm not sure about hairs, but the easiest way to add new clothing is with Jason Assets - there are a few conversions up on Nexus already
      • Isalami

        Isalami Void-Bound Voyager

        Okay, so we have to use json assets now? Thank you. that's fine. Is it difficult to add them using json assets? I have no experience with it!
        • Isalami

          Isalami Void-Bound Voyager

          If so, could you link me some of the mentioned clothing conversions? :3 @Moragaine
          • Moragaine

            Moragaine Existential Complex

            Here is the one that's been put out by the team in charge of PPJA. You can probably figure out how to do your own by looking at how they do theirs. Just search with json assets to find more.
            • Isalami

              Isalami Void-Bound Voyager

              Thank you so much!
                Moragaine likes this.

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