Hello whoever is reading this, I was wondering if anyone could help me with patching. I'm wanting to make the boxing glove rotate like most other melee weapons but have no clue how I would go about patching, or what to patch either. Any help would be appreciated!
If you want to make all fist weapons rotate you can patch the .weaponability file corresponding to the primary ability of the weapons in question. If, however, you only want this applied to a single weapon then you'd have to do the same patch inside "primaryAbility" in the .activeitem file.
If I remember correctly, since I currently have no access to the files until tomorrow, you'll find something along the lines of "allowRotation" in "stances", which is set to false by default.
I found what the issue was: whe the wepaon is loaded, it uses the weapon's "idle" stance, but once you punch, it uses the weapon's combo finisher's "idle" stance. I included a zip file containing the relevant patches for the boxing glove only.