I've been trying to get a .patch file that changes attributes of the base.npctype file to work but I just can't figure this problem out. The code that I'm trying to change is this one: "stats" : { "maxHealth" : { "baseValue" : 100.0 }, "maxEnergy" : { "baseValue" : 10.0 } The value that I want to change is the one from "maxEnergy" to 100, yet, I can't figure the proper structure of the code when on the .patch. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This site is a godsend: http://chbrown.github.io/rfc6902/ Paste in the origional code on the left, and the altered code on the right, and below it will generate the patch. * Need to remove all commends from the JSON first: http://trinithis.awardspace.com/commentStripper/stripper.html
Have you read my pathing guide? http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/basic-patching-now-with-path-guide-v1-9.84496/ On the bottom it explains how to understand levels.
I've tried it, but it gave me the same code for the patch that I had tried several times before and still no luck.
Was this your patch? Code: [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/statusControllerSettings/stats/maxEnergy/baseValue", "value": 10 } ] If that doesnt work, does it error out, or just has no effect? If no effect, then it is likely the file you are patching is not really used, or its values get overwritten somewhere, rendering your patch useless.
THAT is what the problem was! I had completely forgotten about the satus controller settings part. Darn, now I feel silly. Oh well. Thanks both much for the help!
Jesus that website is helpful, I been trying to patch monster drops all week. Using that I did it in under 2 mins. I wasn't adding the word "pool" where it was suppose to go. Thanks for that link!