How about a Treasure Hunt?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KayVeeRiot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. blind3rdeye

    blind3rdeye Big Damn Hero

    JB_Markowicz, I'm shocked at how rude and selfish you're being. Someone has offered to do a free service for you and for the community, and you've responded in very negative way. You've likely done damage to the community, because people will be less likely to want to contribute now that they've seen that they will likely be abused for their efforts.

    If KayVeeRiot had somehow done you harm, then that might be a different matter. But the fact is, despite what you have said, you are still able to play the game and continue your save without KayVeeRiot sending anything to you. If you have deleted your own save file, then that's your own fault - not KayVeeRiot's. No one asked you to do that. And even if you have deleted it, you can most likely recover it either from the recycling bin or from the 'sent' folder of your email. Don't blame other people for your problems; especially not people who are trying to help you.

    You have no excuse for your obnoxious behaviour. I don't know if you think this is just a joke, or playful banter, or whatever; but I'm telling you now that the way you have behaved is not something anyone here wants to put up with.
      JB_Markowicz likes this.
    • Jonesy

      Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

      We've already dealt with the matter, thank you. I'd advise against backseat moderating, since forum rules still apply to you.
        JB_Markowicz and The | Suit like this.
      • JB_Markowicz

        JB_Markowicz Void-Bound Voyager

        Even if she did a free service, i made my point there, i'm here studying and making an album for science work sadly, while i could be actually enjoying it, the thing is that you don't even know me, do you know if i am as patient at you? You don't even try to get at my point of view, don't tell me how i feel, since you don't even know that.
        I'm shocked of how ignorant you are of insinuating i'm being selfish, again, i'm waiting, and i'm still waiting until now, all this time i've been waiting, and you think i'm selfish? I'm not being rude, cause i clearly said thanks even before sending the e-mail. And if you don't know, if i get the save and for some remote chance she give me the old save back, the progress would be useless, cause she would've saved it with the chest, be less inattentive, please -.- I'm not responding in negative way, all i'm doing is saying that i'd care more about how others feel, but nooooo, that's harrasing, right? I'd be sending a death threat to her, right? And if you think leaving someone alone studying and waiting for something, but you ignore it for 2 days is effort, i'd recommend you to search what this word significates on google. Sheesh... Again, never insulted, harrased, badged or made any bad, all my comments are there, just read them in the perspective of someone with nothing to do, waiting for something to have fun with, but it never comes, but i still have hope T-T (Also, even if i did deleted the files, which is not very smart, i'd be a even better person, since i'd trust her alot more like that >_>)
        I hope no other comments like yours appears, let's just forget about it and i'm gonna make the project by myself
        (I should'nt have got myself into this :zzz:)

        Edit : Also, the project i was needing the treasure for is a comunnity one, which i'd take suggestions from people to reply to the post like ''cafeteria'', so i'd make a cafeteria costumized farm with lots of coffees growing and different layouts everytime, community project... But it looks i'll have to cheat to make it -.-
        All i wanted was making a project for the community while having fun, is that being selfish or rude?
        • (User has been warned for this post. Reason: Breaking the Golden Rule / Ignoring Moderator Instructions. Penalty: 1 point / 1 month.)
        Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
      • Jonesy

        Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

        That's it. @JB_Markowicz, I'm issuing a formal warning and a one-day threadban, since you've decided you'd like to keep arguing after I very clearly made it clear that backseat moderating won't be tolerated.

        Anybody who decides to argue beyond this point gets their own formal warning and a permanent threadban to go with. We're not going to babysit you if you can't be civil.
          Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
        • KayVeeRiot

          KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

          Jesus JB... Its a holiday week and I am about to leave the state for a reunion. I'll be happy to send your save back to you but keep in mind next time that I do have responsibilities other than doing this.

          Im finished, save sent back. Enjoy
            Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2017
            The | Suit and JB_Markowicz like this.
          • KayVeeRiot

            KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

            Been a while guys! Im STILL offering treasure chests! Send your entire character save file to with a description of your game and some treasure youd like to see and Ill be happy to continue our game =)

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