When the big patch came for Terraria, they introduced wires, and dart traps, which you could rig to shoot automatically for indefinite amounts of time, though they were incredibly weak really...and they could hurt you too, so they were only useful if you were hiding behind them (for lack of better words). I figured they would EVENTUALLY make stronger types, maybe gun turrets for you to set up instead of the weak primitive dart traps, but then Terraria's development ceased... I was thinking about how awesome it could be to set up a fortress that defends itself, and / or you have to defend in case some enemies managed to break in as part of some mission, or something to that extent. Also, am I the only one who finds it INCREDIBLY ironic that we're being given the option to make suggestions when we know so little about the game? I'm sure theres valid reasons for it, but we don't necessarily have a "sense of direction" about suggestions to make.
Or it could be something uncommon, it could get annoying if it happened to often, same thing with goblin invasions in Terraria.
http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/sentry-guns.5877/#post-142132 This thread is pretty much the same idea, although it was placed in the vheicles and mounts section.
I can't believe I'm still posting in this... How is it NOT blocks and crafting? Doesn't that encompass building? Well whatever...Truthfully a lot of ideas I had were already suggested by other people, its no surprise this is too. >_>;
Doesn't that go without saying? Though manning the turret does sound more like a "vehicle" in a way sorta...
Make it expensive or not too powerful, you would need a lot of materials to make a secure fortress, but don't make it too expensive.
That would be soooo cool in CTF! But i would like if there were poisoned dart shooters, darts that ignite you or something like that, ballistas with flaming arrows as an addition and gun turrets, so there would be variety.
Maybe they shouldn't really be super almighty powerful things. I mean, just having like a ballista would be huge fun and a super special awesome turret would just ruin the gameplay :/