Sorry if this is a very stupid question, but I could not seem to do it, nor could I find a video showing how to, thus I am wondering how you can actually fill a bowl with water? Thanks!
Just click on the bowl while using the watering can (the watering can has to have water in it). Basically, water it as you would water a crop.
It was also pointed out to me a while back that it doesn't actually do anything, it's purely cosmetic. But it does still feel bad leaving it empty so your floof goes thirsty.
According to the wiki, "There is a bowl on some wooden tiles on the top left side of your house that you can fill with water for your pet. If you water your pet's bowl, the next morning your pet's friendship will increase by 6 points. (Note that this event will not trigger if it is raining the next morning.)" Why does this matter? Because it can contribute to getting a higher eval from Grandpa: "Your pet has a maximum friendship of 1000, increasing by 12 every time you pet it. Every 200 points is equal to 1 level, and having 800 will make you eligible for 1 point in Grandpa's Evaluation." Hope that helps.
No, it is not just cosmetic. If you fill this bowl you will make your pet happier. And a full happy pet count for the evaluation of grandpa. Edit: Ninja`d by Borodin
It's a good thing, then, that I don't like leaving my floof with an empty water bowl!! Hurray for unexpected benefits!
Ok then I'm going to make sure my kitty always has a full water bowl. I usually keep my watering can in a chest after use, no need to carry it with taking up space in my backpack, sometimes that can be a ways off from where my cat is and I don't bother or forget to fill it. I had also heard it was just cosmetic but I'm going to fill it from now on.
I tend to ONLY carry it to water my pet('s bowl). But after getting all 4 candles with Grandpa, it doesn't matter anymore, so it would be fine to stop. But... I can't forsake my floof!!! I just wish there was a way to build a dog/cat house for them! I hate seeing them laying in the rain sleeping!
A cute house for my pet would be great. The silly thing will often go out when it's raining. It would be nice if we could pick it up and take it inside.
Makes sense. I'm sure that somewhere there's a cat who enjoys being out in the rain, but by and large, they hate it. And dogs typically aren't that fond of it, either.