Modding Help how to combine elements from two modded farm maps

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Mira_Exists, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. Mira_Exists

    Mira_Exists Space Spelunker

    hi !!! i'm just wondering if anyone knows how it would maybe be possible to combine elements from two different maps?
    the first being the main one, zenith farms by daisyniko which is absolutely perfect except i soo wish i could add aimon's quarry bridge from his mod here (little hilltop farm)

    it would result in a bridge that crossing loads a seperate little quarry map, but i'm not really sure how to go about this and i have very minimal coding experience, the only map editing i've done is with the pathoschild map editor mod askljasld

    if anyone knows how to do this i would love any advice !!! have a nice day :)))
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      Pangaea Forum Moderator

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