No problem, although this tutorial is quite outdated - I'll have to update it soon. Are you trying to use a tech to draw the player inside something? If so, perhaps check out how the mech tech works, as you can see the player through the glass in the mech.
For some reason, I can see my tech, but it's not my tech. It's a perfectly generic item. My tech is supposed to allow you to rocket jump and dash in one mod, but for some reason, it's just what I said it was. A perfectly generic item...
I'm fairly new to modding, but I might be able to help. Make sure you're referencing your item name as opposed to your short description (what the name is in-game) wherever it's supposed to pop up. Good luck!
Hello, I haven't tried making any of these yet, I have zero programming knowledge, but I'll try to learn what I can in order to make this ongoing mod that I'm currently working on. Is it possible to give the player the ability to generate a shield to parry (block perfectly in a short amount of time and window) attacks and return the damage as double to the monster/enemy?.
I really don't have time to build one (thanks for teaching me how though!) But if anyone wants an idea for something I had one. Kirby style grab and smash. The animation would be similar to a jump pad, launching the character into the air (not before grabbing an opponent) and then smashing into the ground dealing heavy damage to most enemies, moderate to mini-bosses and negligible to sector bosses. ^.^ Cheers!
I really REALLY want to start modding and have been working on ideas for quite some time. I have a bit of programming experience, but I can't seem to find any of the files that I would copy/modify. When I look in all the asset folders, they are all empty. I verified that I have "show hidden files" turned on, but to no avail. Has this changed since the last major patch? Or since this was originally posted? I really appreciate all the hard work and instructions you've included, but I just can't seem to find any files to work with...
You'll need to unpack the assets file from assets.pak - check it out here: I'll update this tutorial soon, I've just been extremely busy, sorry!
That is EXACTLY what I was missing! Thank you so much! Thanks to you, I've already done a few (very minor) mods and I'm off to try bigger and better things! Don't worry about it! Your tut is awesome and very helpful! EDIT: I'd like to thank you for your help. Because of this post, I was able to complete and upload my first mod!
I mean make a tech that shows you holding your hand up and a small black hole appears and sucks the targeted blocks into your inventory
You of course could - but you will have to figure out how to approach it. It is not as if the code is mine()