Modding Help How to open and edit an existing Content Patcher Farm.tbin?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by plumprumps, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. plumprumps

    plumprumps Big Damn Hero

    Long story short, I'd like to make a few personal adjustments to this map, which comes in Content Patcher form. That's great, except when I try to open the Farm.tbin to edit in tIDE, I get a blank screen. The map doesn't load. I've attached an image to this post showing what I see when I try opening the map.

    All tilesheets load properly. It's just the map itself that doesn't display. Putting a .yaml in the folder with the farm map and editing it to include the custom tilesheets did not help. Repacking it as an .xnb and unpacking it again did not help.

    The only thing I changed in the folder before trying to open the map was placing a 'spring_outdoorsTileSheet.png' in the same folder. Everything the map needs to open should be there.

    What's preventing the map from opening in an editable, or even viewable, state?

      Attached Files:

    • Moragaine

      Moragaine Existential Complex

      When a map shows up like that in tIDE, click on a layer, go to the 'Layers' dropdown menu and click on 'Make Visible' - you'll have to do this with each layer of the map.
        plumprumps likes this.
      • plumprumps

        plumprumps Big Damn Hero

        Holy moly I can't believe it was something so OBVIOUS... but at the same time I'm relieved it was just me being silly and not an actual issue lol. Thanks a bunch!
        • Moragaine

          Moragaine Existential Complex

          You're welcome, it took me a while to find that, myself.
            plumprumps likes this.

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