Tutorial How to Report Mod Errors & Fixing Most Problems Yourself v1.1

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    i have an issue. as a new model i am bound to make mistake, but the error I'm experiencing is strange. the mod I'm using is the example mod that i made from following your guide. (the one that renames coal into super coal) However, it appears that no changes are taking effect and Coal remains Coal. I'm having the same issue with another mod I'm working on that adds a new pickaxe, which it doesn't. what's really strange is the fact that no errors are appearing in the log. I've been checking very carefully, but i could not find any error. I'm not sure what is going on or how to fix it, so i hope that someone can help me. also, i am using mac mini OS 10.10 (Yosemite).

    P.S. for some reason, when would click "Post Reply"it would think that there was a "sneaky URL" in the text, so it wouldn't post. thus, i made a .txt document

    Attached Files:

    • Log.txt
      File size:
      22.4 KB
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Either you gave me the wrong log . [ This is an enraged koala log ]
    The Unstable Logs are found in storage_unstable folder

    My tutorial guide is only for Upbeat Giraffe [ unstable \ nightly ] - it will not work for stable version of starbound [ enraged koala ].

    The sneaky URL error is only because you don't have at least 3 posts. Its a anti-spam counter measure.
    SB Forums suffered huge attacks last year from spammers.

    Just for some reasoning - Enraged Koala uses the old _Merge system. This system has been completely removed and there is no longer any need to ever learn it. From Rampaging Koala the new patch system was impleneted - which is 1 version past yours.

    Upbeat Giraffe is 2 versions past yours.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  3. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    thank you very much!
  4. AmazonValkyrie

    AmazonValkyrie Spaceman Spiff

    I'm in the process of updating the files for my mod to work with the unstable branch, but I'm experiencing a JSON error when I try to load the game. Thanks to the log, and this informative post, I know it's an error on the 10th line and 2nd space of a file, but I couldn't figure out which file. In the past I've been able to figure these issues out pretty quickly, but I've been away from modding for far too long >_< Any help is greatly appreciated!:

    Start logging at: 2015-01-18 17:39:01.927
    [17:39:01.927] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\win32\sbboot.config'
    [17:39:01.927] Info: Star::Root using storage directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\storage_unstable'
    [17:39:01.927] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [17:39:02.131] Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (JsonParsingException) Error parsing json: unexpected end of stream parsing object. at 10:2
      Variant inputUtf32Json<U8ToU32Iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, string>, char32_t> >(U8ToU32Iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, string>, char32_t>, U8ToU32Iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, string>, char32_t>, bool)
      Root::Root(String, String, LogLevel, bool, String, Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >)
      Root::partialInitialize(Map<String, StringList, unordered_map<String, StringList, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, StringList> > > >)
  5. Olxinos

    Olxinos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Since the next thing the game is supposed to do is detecting the mods, i guess the error is in your .modinfo file. I tried to voluntarily introduce an error in one of my .modinfo files (i replaced a comma with a semicolon to be precise), it went like this:
    Start logging at: 2015-01-19 01:53:55.084
    [01:53:55.085] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/Users/[me]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/osx/sbboot.config'
    [01:53:55.085] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/Users/[me]/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/storage_unstable'
    [01:53:55.085] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [01:53:55.093] Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (JsonParsingException) Error parsing json: bad object, should be '}' or ',' at 2:20
    [stack trace]
    that seems quite similar, you should look into your .modinfo file
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
    The | Suit and AmazonValkyrie like this.
  6. AmazonValkyrie

    AmazonValkyrie Spaceman Spiff

    Thanks for the response! You messaged me just as I figured it out :p It was an issue with punctuation in my modinfo file. Thanks again for the response ^_^
  7. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    You should make it a habit anytime you create new custom files to run it through a validator first such as

    Saves you hours of headaches later
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
  8. Cerothus

    Cerothus Void-Bound Voyager

    I have a mod problem that I'm not even sure how to check for; I'm using Kawa's xbawks-mode character creator but when I try to create a new character the Avali and Kineptic races won't show up at all. However, the Kalbian race shows up just fine. I really have no idea what I'm looking for in regards to an error, the only two I've found are these:
    Error: Failed to process dungeon file /dungeons/microdungeons/randomencounter/kineptic/kinepticencounter.dungeon : MapException: Key 'kinepticmonolithicpillar' not found in Map::get()
      Dungeon::BackBrush::BackBrush(Variant, DungeonDefinition*)
      Dungeon::Brush::parse(Variant, DungeonDefinition*)
      Dungeon::readBrushes(Variant, DungeonDefinition*)
      Dungeon::Tile::Tile(Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >, DungeonDefinition*)
      DungeonDefinition::DungeonDefinition(Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >, String)
      _Function_handler<void (), _Bind<ClientApplication::preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1} ()> >::(_Any_data)
    Error: Error loading object file /objects/dyeengine/dyestation/dyestation.object: VariantException: No such key in Variant::get("objectName")
      String Variant::tget<String>(String)
      _Function_handler<void (), _Bind<ClientApplication::preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1} ()> >::(_Any_data)
    I have absolutely no experience when it comes to code of any kind, so really its all Greek to me and any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The thing is - if its greek, you really won't be able to fix those errors without learning greek.

    So the best Non Greek Alternative,
    Double check all mods to make sure it uses the exact same version of starbound you are using.

    Once you have removed mods which use a different version.
    Then put 1 mod into the mods folder and run the game and quit. Look at the log for errors. If no errors appear - take that mod out and put it in one folder for time being
    Keep repeating until you get a collection of mods which produce no errors.

    The mods with errors you know are for your same version report it directly to the mod author.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  10. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    CHANGELOG v1.1

  11. VoidKingNG

    VoidKingNG Void-Bound Voyager

    anyone know what this means?

    Error: Fatal Exception caught: (MapException) Key 'aquae' not found in Map::get()
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Its a reference error.
    That means it is looking for that particular reference in a location - but it doesn't exist.

    For example say if you added a planet bob in the universe server config.

    But you never defined what planet bob is in terrersial worlds.config

    You would get a map get error of planet bob.
  13. VoidKingNG

    VoidKingNG Void-Bound Voyager

    In my case it is a race and it is already made, the only thing left is that. Does it work the same for the race?
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Its - its trying to find a piece of data associated but is missing.
    You will want to compare with other races to make sure you didn't miss a reference some where.

    An easy way to find all references is to use notepad++ - fild files in folders function
    then search the name of a vanilla race

    Then compare all the references you made, to that in the search results.
  15. VoidKingNG

    VoidKingNG Void-Bound Voyager

    Heh im to new at this, tried to compare them, even fixed some json parse but still no dice. Thanks for telling me though, got to fix some other stuff.
  16. manookie2334

    manookie2334 Void-Bound Voyager

    When I try to launch starbound, it says:
    Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occured during loading: (ItemException) Duplicate item name 'itemfider' found

    I don't know what to do...
  17. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Means you have 2 files named itemfinder.
    If its a vanilla item and you are editing it - it means your mod has kept it in the wrong location.
    It should be in the exact parallel location of the vanilla file.
  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    If I may step in, the "itemfinder" is an overpowered beamaxe added by the Lopunny mod. I know this, because of my Lopunny Improvements mod. Sounds like manookie double-installed the Lopunny mod.

    Edit: Actually, given how Starbound handles duplicate mods, I am not sure why this would happen... unless it was double-installed due to the weird file structure within Lopunny Supply Drop.zip? Hm...

    Edit 2: To elaborate, the mod is packed within a folder within a folder within a zip file. Proper installation requires navigating through the zip file and taking out the "lopunny" folder from within another folder. The only way I can see a double-installation occurring is by properly installing the mod the first time, then attempting to install the mod over itself without deleting and within the mods original folder, so there is a "lopunny" folder within the original "lopunny" folder.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  19. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    It will also happen if 2 mods use the same file name.
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    The only way to know if it is two separate mods or just one is to read @manookie2334's log file.

    Can you please provide it for us, manookie?

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