Put this thread up for one of the contests, because a lot of people seemed to need the info. Feel free to contribute more! Step 1: Click 'Image' on the top left bar. Step 2: On the drop-down list, click Resize. It's the second option. Step 3: On the window that pops up, select the drop-down list for Resampling, and select the 'Nearest Neighbor' option. Step 4: Choose your resizing method. If you want it five times larger, for example, choose 'By percentage:', and set the percentage to 500%. If you want it to be 300x550 pixels, choose 'By absolute size:', and set the pixel width and height. One thing to note: Keep 'Maintain aspect ratio' checked. Otherwise, you might set your new size to distort the original picture. Good luck! @Suika Ibuki contributed this! Thank @zooey for this tutorial! The quote broke, original post is here. 1. Click on the "image" pull down menu 2. Select 'scale image' 3. This window will come up. In the circle, you can pick the units you want to use; I like resizing by percent, but that's just personal preference. 4. Select 'none' in the 'interpolation' field. This way, GIMP won't do any guesswork on the resize, and you won't get any of those little pixely artifact marks. 5. Then click 'OK'. 6. Occasionally, if you resize by an odd number (like 133%) some of the rows and columns will get an extra pixel. Like say your sprite used to be 1 : 1, then you resized it so pixels were now 4 x 4, you might find that some rows and columns (in their entirety) are now 5 x 5. In this case, you can either use the rectangle select tool to delete the extras, then grab the pieces and put them back together, or undo the resize and pick a different value. *Note: if you want to resize just one layer, rather than the whole image, start with this: ...then follow steps 2 to 6. This tutorial was also contributed by @Suika Ibuki. Torrle posted another method, and as I have no idea how Photoshop works at all, the more guides in here the better! @blind sniper was the contributor of this tutorial! @Sgt. Sprocket contributed this guide for Microsoft Paint. And a bonus: Resizing gifs! Thank @Suika Ibuki for this guide!
Only because I love PAINT.NET. Best program ever. And if you don't have it or are to lazy to get it just give me your picture and tell me how big you want it.
Hey, a lot of things I have I didn't do, so I am repaying the favor. And besides, I get paid in gum for doing this (jk I am not, though I wish I was....)
Glad you posted this for everybody. I for one appreciated it. And Paint.Net really is the only picture editing tool you need. I think there's a way to set up a grid for you pixel art guys...
Resizing with SAI is for hipsters >Zoom in to desired size [Zoom out doesn't work well unless it's an already 'enlarged' sprite] >Take screenshot >File>Create from Clipboard >Crop as desired >???? >Profit
Ohh, I'll do a GIMP one. Gimme a second... Edit1: Wox, you should've put this in the fanart section! Edit2: 1. Click on the "image" pull down menu 2. Select 'scale image' 3. This window will come up. In the circle, you can pick the units you want to use; I like resizing by percent, but that's just personal preference. 4. Select 'none' in the 'interpolation' field. This way, GIMP won't do any guesswork on the resize, and you won't get any of those little pixely artifact marks. 5. Then click 'OK'. 6. Occasionally, if you resize by an odd number (like 133%) some of the rows and columns will get an extra pixel. Like say your sprite used to be 1 : 1, then you resized it so pixels were now 4 x 4, you might find that some rows and columns (in their entirety) are now 5 x 5. In this case, you can either use the rectangle select tool to delete the extras, then grab the pieces and put them back together, or undo the resize and pick a different value. *Note: if you want to resize just one layer, rather than the whole image, start with this: ...then follow steps 2 to 6.
I like this idea, a tutorial topic teaching how to resize images and such. If we can get a tutorial on all of the most used programs I would be happy to sticky a topic like that.
Adobe Photoshop [CS5-CS6, possibly previous versions too] >Image>Image Size >Check Resample Image >Check Constrain Proportions >Set Resample Image to Nearest Neighbor [Dropdown box] >Resize image [Using percentage is easier and does not require as much math] >???? >Profit
My two cents for GraphicsGale: >All Frames>Resample >Check Keep Aspect Ratio (Checked by default) >Uncheck Smooth (Checked by default) >Resize image [Just like Suweeka said above] >No profit at all
On Topic: Wow, 90% of these programs I have never heard of. Off Topic: Wox you better let me be your 1000th liker....
I'll do ms paint because a lot of people actually use it and it is a good program for beginner pixel art. Prepare yourselves for the simplest tutorial ever: 1-Click on the "Home" tab and click on "resize", like paint.net you can use % or define a custom size 2-Click on the boxes outside the canvas and drag it around
Wox you normally not productive. I am fearing that you are becoming a... *gulp*... ...a "logical being".