Starbound files and mods use JSON/JSON patches respectively which isn't unique to Starbound. Its just a standardized data format like XML and there are explanations of both systems in the mod forum or you could Google for JSON/JSON patch tutorials. Basically Starbound stores all the data for its items in JSON files and the .patch files tell the game perform specific changes to the file at runtime. So in the above example my patch tells the game "Load the file upgradebeamaxe1.aicommand and look at the array called actions. The entry at position 2 (in an array you count 0, 1, 2, ...) contains a field called command, replace whatever value it has with 'upgradeBeamaxe3'." Now the MysteriousStars patch tells it "Append this entry to the array and put it at position 0 (the first entry in an array)" which means when my commands get executed, the order of the array entries has shifted and the entry at position 2 is no longer the one I meant to modify. By changing the 0 to - it instead says "Append the entry and put it at the bottom position behind everything else" so it no longer changes the order of the previous entries. It's not that complicated of a concept once you grasp it but the syntax can pretty weird at times. JSON in general is kinda messy with all its brackets and quotation marks and might not be very intuitive for someone unfamiliar with coding.
I'm used to json and coding in general and figured out the logics. Just specifically curious about syntax, more specifically the hyphen translating into add-at-the-end, is that a starbound interpreter specific thing? Or did I simply miss something in my json learning?
Huh, in that case you're more knowledgeable on this than I am, I never worked with JSON before Starbound. I don't actually know if this syntax is specific to Starbound, I just gleamed it from the tutorial here:
Is there any way I can help you with this mod? I have plenty of programming experience and would be glad to do anything. Or are you just happy with the way it works at the moment? I have some questions anyway: How do you know how many recipes there are in the game so you can change all of the? Is there a list or something? Or did you have to figure out all of them by yourself? It seems like all food/drinks give your more or less the same amount of "hunger" and "thurst", do you want to leave it like that or do you plan on chaning it?
1) See post above. 2) That is mostly because there is no good way to customize it without giving each and every hunger item its own status effect. At this point I consider the mod mostly finished and the only thing I'm thinking of changing is the low hunger/thirst speed penalties based on the feedback received. I'll hopefully get around to looking into particle effects sometime this week and see if that makes for a good replacement.
There is no way to set custom variables through consumption of an item? All you can do is set a status effect that does something as long as its active? (I should probably start to figure out stuff on my own.)
How do i go about using this? i highly doubt i need to unpack the packed.pak file & then repack, right? If anyone can help it would be great, thanks in advance.
Attached is the edited wellfed.lua file. It would go in the stats/effects/food/wellfed folder of the mod if you want to use it. But, like I said, it's not an elegant fix at all. Still, I'm going to personally use it until a better fix comes along.
Thanks, yeah i know its not perfect but i will take what i can get to make a little better in the mean time till a update from the devs bring it back or something better comes along. Thanks heaps & enjoy your time with the game
I'd use this if it were more like 30-60 minutes between meals. As-is, I can see why it was removed. Especially if it didn't even provide buffs. Thanks for making the mod anyway
Ok so i had no idea how to backup my save file and worst of all i can't use it in multiplayer... a message just pops up and says "the client ship errored" or something like that... works in single player though... is there anyway to recover my save file???
This is an okay mod, but it could use some improvements. Even though there's no hunger bar, you could create different buffs under the character to represent how hungry you are. For example a half apple could mean you're starting to get hungry while a quarter apple picture could mean that you're starting to get really hungry. Then like an empty dinner plate or a tiny piece of an apple for consistency could indicate that you really need food and you're going to start taking damage soon if you don't eat. I just think it could have been implemented better. It might have been better to make hunger/thirst more of a buff/debuff thing than a damage thing. If you're hungry/thirsty maybe you just move slower instead of die. I don't know though. Damage just feels too binary and boring to me as a consequence for not eating/drinking. Also, eating anything that gives you the fire status effect where you take burning damage lasts for a long time (unless you douse yourself in water), which is a problem just as a fyi.
Pretty sure this mod is bugged. Installed it into a fresh save, no other stat mods. Landed on my spawn world, took periodic damage for unknown reasons. Died, respawned, ported back down. No more damage, and no more HUD icons from the mod. It just stopped working.
Mod is bugged on glad giraffe found an issue where AD movement keys where strangly effected Bug was removed after removing hunger mod. if facing left and u hit D you would walk left instead of backwards. both keys where considered "moving" the direction your looking.
Hey, so I really like the look of this mod. I liked the immersion of the earlier versions of starbound, and removing the hunger, to me, made it feel less real. So I got this mod in hopes that it would bring that feeling back. However, after the recent Giraffe update, I'm getting a control glitch as soon as my character gets a thirst status effect. It stops me from walking one direction, but if I turn and run back, it goes normal speed. Basically what this guy said^. The other issue this update brought was that for some reason, the bottle does not return to my inventory. So I'm pretty much out of luck in the first 20 minutes of the game. Anyway, I'm sure there's a way to fix all this, or maybe it's just user error on my part. Either way, if anyone knows how to make this work, I'd love to hear it.