I can't catch normal quality fish anymore?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Astrid Speckles, May 10, 2018.

  1. Astrid Speckles

    Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Solved: Cast your fishing rod closer to the shore~

    I tend to collect and keep at least one of every item,
    So I'm eagerly trying to catch each quality of every fish.

    But I don't get normal quality fish anymore?

    I have the fisher skill, worth %25 more
      Last edited: May 11, 2018
    • One More Day

      One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

      Make your casts as short as possible, so they are close to the shore. It's definitely possible to catch regular quality fish even at Fishing 10, I know I've done it enough times on misclicks
        Astrid Speckles likes this.
      • Astrid Speckles

        Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Oh, Thank you!
        I always try to max out because why not, I didn't even think of that having anything to do with it!
        • kidkid123

          kidkid123 Phantasmal Quasar

          have you caught a gold star sandfish?
          • Git Gud Fox

            Git Gud Fox Star Wrangler

            When your fishing skill rises, you slowly lose percentage chance to catch regular quality fish and gain in chance to catch silver and gold quality fish. The same applies to farming. At level 10 farming, you have like a 40% chance to get a gold quality crop in normal soil, so catching normal quality fish becomes more difficult.
              Astrid Speckles likes this.
            • Astrid Speckles

              Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

              I haven't unlocked the desert yet so nope!
              • Astrid Speckles

                Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

                This sounds super helpful but for me this is going to be a challenge haha!
                Awesome and all, wouldn't try to change the game mechanic.

                "I can't catch gold quality"
                Me: I can't catch normal quality ;-;

                I have my priorities on point
                • Git Gud Fox

                  Git Gud Fox Star Wrangler

                  One More Day's work around should work. The quality of fish rise the further away you are from the water, where the water is darker in color. The reverse is true if you want a regular fish. The lighter colored, shallows water, is the way to go to try and increase the odds of catching a normal quality fish.

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