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I Messed Up Real Bad

Discussion in 'Support' started by SarcasticJest, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. SarcasticJest

    SarcasticJest Space Hobo

    So I was installing some new mods for stardew and when I went to backup my save file I dragged it to my desktop figuring it would be safe there. I apparently already had a save file there from the last time I was modding and my computer notified me of the similar file. I chose the option to keep both files. When I went to open the game, it had reverted to my previous file (The first one on the desktop). From last month (November 19th to be exact). To put that in perspective, I play an average of 62hrs/week. I've lost sooo much progress and I can't seem to find my more current file anywhere. I have no idea what to do. Someone please help if you can.
    • SarcasticJest

      SarcasticJest Space Hobo

      Nevermind, Figured it out. I feel like an idiot and a genius at the same time.

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