Hi im shiny gallade, the creator of drones mod and cute monsters. i know they seem a little bit outdated, but im working on them. The thing is than i need some body than can make sprite for these and for a new mod called 9048 or glicht sail, similar to a.v.i.a.n. but almost completly diferent too. its a free ""job"", but you reward is making a mod of whatever you want. after doing the sprite work. in another case, we can argue the reward If there is somebody is interested and have the next requirements, contact me so we can work or talk about the mods and requirements the requirements are: -be a spriter than can make starbound styled sprites -have enough time to make them (at least 20 free hours) -can work for free -can assimilate draws and sprite them. -want to do it and have at least half effort to contact me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Darknesscomesfromadove/ or by gmail: glladen234@gmail.com