so, for my asteroid base project, i want to connect lots of asteroids with tube like constructions, wich allow easy transports between sections with "elevators" or railroads unfortunately there are 2 big problems for me: 1. loading chunks While i tried overcoming this issue with "delaygates", it really didnt worked, (also it looks really ugly) and 2., i have a gigantic issue wiring up BOTH ENDS OF THE ELEVATORs there is no way that the length of the wire tool would be enough AT ALL :C any tipps? or should i just scrap the idea of vertical transport systems at all?
What if you split up each long elevator into several smaller elevators? Like this: = + + + == ..+ ..+ ..+ == + + + = With a + meaning part of the elevator shaft, and a = representing an area to transfer from one elevator to the other.
yeah, the project got wiped, so i can start over as far as i read it, this is the only real way to build up long elevators a shame, really
no they dont, because loading chunks stops the elevator at a certain high (im talking about calling back an elevator, if that wasnt clear)
Wasn't there a wiring bug related to this, that caused wires to break if they crossed chunk boundaries? IIRC that was solved, I wonder if maybe Chucklefish could use a similar solution to fix this problem.
what about going back to the rails idea the other guy mentioned, but instead of riding the platform, use the rail hook item?
Could you provide some detail on what you mean by "clipped elevators"? Does that mean you use a series of shorter-length elevators? I was rooting for you to overcome the chunk loading issue, that's something that I would love to have for my own builds.
^yes, basically just a boudle tube, with "short" elevators like this: [ O ::::] [ O ::::] [ O ::::] [ O O ] [:::: O ] [:::: O ] [:::: O ] [:::: O ] [ O O ] [ O ::::] [ O ::::] [ O ::::]
What am I looking at here? Can someone provide me a link that helps me understand this? Sorry to wait seven months before responding--I'm back from a Starbound break. This game has its hooks in me once again.