Closed I seem to have a glitch with the graphics of the game

Discussion in 'Support' started by manbeast64, Dec 29, 2019.

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  1. manbeast64

    manbeast64 Space Hobo

    I start up the game the logos pop up fine and the sound is fine but when it gets to the title screen it bugs out the menus like the options are also bugged

    20191229175240_1.jpg 20191229175249_1.jpg 20191229175254_1.jpg 20191229175300_1.jpg
    • LunarRayGames

      LunarRayGames Developer

      Your graphics device, or at least the current version of it, is not compatible with the game. You could try updating your Graphics Driver. If that doesn't help, you're out of luck, sorry! Please get a refund in that case.
      • manbeast64

        manbeast64 Space Hobo

        alright thank you i will try to update it if that doesn't go well i'll make sure to play it in the future!

        edit: yeh i'm gonna have to refund it but i know i'm bound to play it soon
          Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
        • Pangaea

          Pangaea Forum Moderator

          Going to close and lock this thread because the issue has been found and cannot be resolved.
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