Idea of new content

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Yunedate, May 6, 2018.

  1. Yunedate

    Yunedate Space Hobo

    Hello everyone today I came to share an idea I had recently with this new multiplayer beta update, in it we can build a house for Pam that is pretty cool by the way. but have already thought that we can build a school in the community. Penny in one of her dialogues says that there is not a school in the village but she tries to teach the children, I think it would be really cool if there was something like that in the game, of course not being restricted to just that but we had the option to build several things for the local community
    • Gemara

      Gemara Orbital Explorer

      I saw a suggestion elsewhere that the abandoned Jojamart could be remade into a school, I really liked that idea
      • Tileve

        Tileve Space Hobo

        Yeah, Joja mart as a school could be a good idea, at first I thought the community center would have a classroom. But I assume they kinda study there too.

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