I POST TOO MANY SEMI-RARE NIGHT CREATURES BUT HERE WE GO Illuli are creatures that generally prefer dark environments, and tend towards planets with weak sunshine, caves and murky swamps. They roughly take the shape of a human, notable exceptions being the two sharp tentacles used as legs and the two flimsy tentacles used as arms. They carry around a small lantern to light their way. It moves as most walking creatures do, albeit with a slightly floaty dancing step. They are hostile, but do not actively chase the player, instead choosing to attack whenever one wanders into their range. They have two attacks. One is a fairly long range attack with one of their arms that looks similar to tree branches, coming out quickly after a short 'charge' time and retracting quickly after. The second attack is used for targets above itself or multiple targets, and is similar to the previous attack. However, the creature ducks its head, holds its lamp within what can only be assumed to be a mouth of some sort, and lashes out in an area of effect tentacle attack that resembles a cracked surface. Rough Sprite Concept Upon Defeat & Other Combat Notes On most occasions, due to the violence nature of combat, the lantern is broken and it drops merely raw material related to dark matter and fire. However, in some cases it can drop its lantern in its entirety, providing the player with a weaker but radial light source in comparison to standard issue electric torches. It is known in very rare cases to inflict amnesia and semi-rare cases to inflict fire damage.
Oh, this is lovely! It's a tad gothic, but would do just fine on some sort of perpetually dark planet, or perhaps a massive cave system.
We thank all those who support us and our great Mother's light, and pray she does not choose to extinguish yours.
When conditions are correct and you combine swamps, nights and caves in just the right way, night creatures such as Illuli appear much more often. When this happens you may come across the Twilli. While Illuli refer to themselves as servants of their great Mother, Twilli refer to themselves as advisors. Despite looking like a combination of two Illuli, they speak and act like one entity. The growths on their heads migrate to the top of the mass, and become a pair of chompers. The 'tongue' is frisky and sweeps the area, attempting to knock and drag victims into its maw. The frequency of its amnesia and fire effects are much higher than before. It also goes without saying that Twilli are much tougher than Illuli, but not as tough as the great Mother itself. Twilli are in fact mobile, but move at such a rate as to be confused with staying completely still.
Thats wasn't as bad as I thought is was going to be, I have always seen the picture but never got to reading it, It looked like one of the things I would get nightmares from.