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RELEASED Improved Containers 2.11

Persistent storage, Mass selling, Renaming, Searching, Sorting, Quick stacking

  1. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  2. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    In unstable 1.3 rc4, root.setConfiguration & root.setConfiguration are removed so configs will be disappearing in the next update until there's another way to handle it.
  3. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  4. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    You might be able to fix configs by doing things the way mechs work: saving the configs in a permanent player status effect. Also, have you checked whether the mod currently messes up teleporter bookmark sorting? Because that's something that happened to enhanced storage users, so I want to make sure my bookmarks are safe.
  5. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    The config is server-side, saving configs in player status effect wouldn't help.

    I don't even know how our mods would affect the order of teleport bookmarks as, at least to my knowledge, don't touch anything bookmark related.
    This is a bug in 1.3 and someone is just assuming or accusing mods as the issue.
  6. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  7. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  8. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  9. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  10. KTrinsic

    KTrinsic Big Damn Hero

    I've created some patch files for a few additional race mods. Are you interested in adding them?
    It should cover the Inklings, the Greckans, the Argonians, and the Draconis races.
    Thanks for making such an incredibly useful mod!

    Attached Files:

  11. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    Improved Containers and Enhanced Storage will never work together as they are essentially the same mod.

    I haven't used IC and StarTech at the same time but I don't see any reason they would collide.
  12. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    @KTrinsic I'll be adding some more patches to IC. Just drop the mod name if you want me to add something. Thanks though!
  13. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    v6ooo updated Improved Containers with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. AngleWyrm

    AngleWyrm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There was a mod that showed container names when pressing Alt key, but it had bugs apparently related to attempting a color-coding feature and the modder has since put that one in the attic.

    Would it be possible without too much work to incorporate just the part where the Alt-key flashes the container names the same way it does with character names?
  15. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    @AngleWyrm I'm assuming you mean Magic Labels which I am also the author of.
    I still haven't come up with a good replacement for NPCs and I can't really add this to Improved Containers because of the Known issues.
    I might just fix the issues you mentioned instead of coming up with new ways.
  16. BlytzDragon

    BlytzDragon Void-Bound Voyager

    It messes up the sorting sometimes, like in stuff like the Upgrade items which are placed first in my inventory are placed last in the storage.
  17. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    All vanilla categories were assigned a (weight sort) value for the order so it's not the vanilla sort order like in your inventory.
    It's possible there were new categories added in 1.3 that I missed or mods that have added new values that end up at the end.

    I haven't changed the sorting in a long time. If the mod detects new categories without values it prints them to your log file.

    There's a forum thread dedicated to sort order on Steam but not here. If you feel something should change then just reply here with your suggestions.
    Below is the the file containing the sort values currently being used.

        -- same values means it will sort by rarity > name.
        ic.sortValues = {
            -- armor
            headwear = 11,
            headarmour = 11,
            headarmor = 11,
            chestwear = 11,
            chestarmour = 11,
            chestarmor = 11,
            legwear = 11,
            legarmour = 11,
            legarmor = 11,
            backwear = 11,
            enviroprotectionpack = 11,
            shield = 12,
            -- active items
            uniqueweapon = 20,
            assaultrifle = 20,
            boomerang = 20,
            chakram = 20,
            rocketlauncher = 20,
            sniperrifle = 20,
            pistol = 20,
            machinepistol = 20,
            shotgun = 20,
            grenadelauncher = 20,
            broadsword = 22,
            fistweapon = 22,
            axe = 22,
            dagger = 22,
            hammer = 22,
            shortsword = 22,
            spear = 22,
            whip = 22,
            staff = 24,
            wand = 24,
            bow = 26,
            throwableitem = 27,
            tool = 29,
            fishingrod = 29,
            musicalinstrument = 30,
            toy = 31,
            vehiclecontroller = 35,
            -- objects, placeables
            crafting = 40,
            furniture = 40,
            storage = 40,
            fridgestorage = 40,
            decorative = 40,
            door = 40,
            light = 40,
            trophy = 40,
            other = 40, -- item = craft upgrade, object = outpost stores, ancient con, mannequin, fountain
            teleportmarker = 40,
            actionfigure = 40,
            trap = 40,
            genboss = 40, -- traps
            breakable = 40,
            bug = 40,
            farmbestegg = 40,
            shippingcontainer = 40,
            terraformer = 40,
            artifact = 40,
            spawner = 40,
            techmanagement = 40,
            wire = 46,
            rail = 52,
            railplatform = 52,
            railpoint = 52,
            -- consumable
            mysteriousreward = 90,
            medicine = 95,
            preparedfood = 97,
            drink = 97,
            food = 97,
            cookingingredient = 98,
            -- upgrades
            shiplicense = 101,
            clothingdye = 105,
            eppaugment = 108,
            fishinglure = 109,
            fishingreel = 109,
            petcollar = 110,
            -- tiles / placeable
            block = 140,
            platform = 141,
            liquid = 144,
            sapling = 146,
            seed = 146,
            smallfossil = 150,
            mediumfossil = 150,
            largefossil = 150,
            -- crafting material
            currency = 160,
            fuel = 160,
            ["upgrade component"] = 160,
            upgradecomponent = 160,
            craftingmaterial = 160,
            tradingcard = 190,
            quest = 190,
            codex = 191,
            blueprint = 191,
            x = 200, -- item does not have a category
            generic = 300, -- PGI
            junk = 300,
            foodjunk = 300
  18. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

  19. AngleWyrm

    AngleWyrm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Game crashes when opening any container.
    Something about a searchbox callback function (see attached photo). Removing the mod makes the problem go away, and adding the mod file makes the problem reappear.

    Here's a list of my mods, in case it's an incompatibility problem, as a text file attachment. I made with the commandline: "dir /b >> dir.txt"

    Attached Files:

  20. Didy

    Didy Void-Bound Voyager

    Can i use Improved Containers in a Mod Pack?

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