Hello - I have been trying to teach myself modding using the wiki directions and various tutorials. i have downloaded Tiled 1.2.5, used xnbcli to unpack the tbin for the foraging map. When I load it into Tiled, I'm told I am missing tilesheets path & spring_outdoorsTilesheet. I found those .xnbs and unpacked them, putting them in the same folder as the foraging map tbin. Then I get this garbage Are these the correct tilesheets and it's looking at the wrong grid ref or are these the wrong tilesheets? Can anyone help me? All the wiki says is make your changes and save. Easy! I know modding a map is starting at the deep end, but it just looks like fun - if I knew what I was doing....
Thanks, I will unpack that xnb again. I just don't know enough about modding to know which problem I had. I used the wrong spring timesheet for multiple things I opened, and they were all wrong! Should have guessed the common denominator. Thanks again! Do you know why those files are separate from the maps? Are there common timesheets not necessarily packed in the tbins?
No, everything is a discreet file, each xnb, this is the format which the game reads (multiple maps can use information from the same tilesheet). We have to convert them so we can open them and edit them. Map xnbs become .tbins and tilesheet xnbs become .pngs. And when you're working with them they should all be in the same folder: any map and the tilesheets associated with it (pngs next to tbins) when you're editing a map or making a new one.
I had to download the file from Resource Sprite because the spring_outdoorsTilesheet I unpacked from content and content/maps were both wrong. I ended up unpacking the foraging map again as well and starting over. =P The tilesheet I unpacked had more tiles. I am trying to mod so I can test/use the new maps on my Android - would that account for the difference in tilesheets? I have to use xnbcli and Tiled on my laptop, but am using an unpacked Android version of Stardew. I want to create CP loadable maps, so thought it wouldn't matter? Another question - When looking at TileData is NPCBarrier a True/False field? What are the options for NoSpawn because some of the custom properties has T and some have Tree.... When I hit the dropdown on the right, a text box opens up, which doesn't help me a lot. I know I am coming to this really late compared to the rest of you, but a lot of the tutorials and guides need updating. It would save you all from answering so many questions you have answered a million times before. Thanks for answering them again for me.
I'm not entirely sure what changes were made to maps and tilesheets in translating the game to something Android could run. I know it was a lot of work to get Smapi and then Content Patcher to work on it. I know you can take maps made on pc and use them on Android, but I don't know that you can use the maps and tilesheets designed for android to make maps on your pc. NPCBarrier is just that, not a true/false, just false. Npcs in the game will walk thru anything in their path, destroying whatever they walk thru. No spawn refers to forage, but NoSpawn with Tree in it prevents trees from blocking places like the farmcave. You aren't late, by any means! New people are joining the modding community all the time and most everyone is happy help. We're aware of the problem with the old guides/tutorials but once something is on the internet, it's hard to get rid of.. And if you want more timely advice, you could join the Stardew Valley discord server and come to the modding channel, there's lots of folks there at most times of the day/night.