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Bug/Issue In game cursor freezes and windows cursor shows up only when playing in Fullscreen or borderless

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Mtlhd14884, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo


    I am experiencing an issue with Starbound when playing the game. The issue is with the in game mouse cursor. When I am playing and trying to select something in my inventory, for example the ship's storage or the ship's fuel storage, the cursor will freeze randomly and I will see the windows cursor at the same time as the in game cursor. If I wiggle it around a bit it freezes at a different spot in the inventory windows and it happens almost constantly as I move it. I have found that disabling scaling in Windows 10 for this game could be a solution, but it doesn't change the problem whether I override DPI scaling by application, system, or system enhanced. I also verified my monitor is not zoomed in or anything, it's at 100% scale. What's interesting is it only happens when I play in fullscreen, or borderless windowed mode. If I play in regular windowed mode, the issue is gone. When I play in fullscreen I use my monitors pixel ratio of 1440x900 just like everything else on my computer, but only this application has this issue. I really don't want to have to play it in windowed mode, I would rather play in fullscreen. I found if use the default Fullscreen resolution which is much bigger than mine, the issue is gone, but it makes everything look terrible on my screen and then it won't let me select a different pixel ratio other than my 1440x900, even if I edit the config file. It always reverts to this bad looking large pixel ratio. Nothing I have found in the forums seems to fix it, can you help me please?
  2. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    1: I think u hav already done this step, but just in case: assuming ur using windows 10, go to Settings > System > Display (default) > Scale and layout. confirm you see the below image, whether recommended or not. if not, try setting it to 100%. if it already set to 100% or this step did not work, move on to the next step.
    broken image? http://prntscr.com/jz9om1

    2: I have seen something like this before. go into full screen and reproduce the error. using the error, go into windowed mode. minimize the game, and bring it back up. if this does not fix the issue, please give me a video of the issue in progress. there's plenty of free recording software
  3. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo

    Thank you Nexus.

    Yes you are correct, I have already checked the display scaling, it's at 100%. So I tried step 2 and the issue came right back once I am in fullscreen or borderless window. I made a youtube video of the problem and you can see the in game cursor get stuck while my windows cursor shows up in game. I apologize in advance for any cursing in the video lol, I was playing starbound with my friends. You can see in the video that when I deselect fullscreen mode and it goes to windowed mode, the issue disappears.

  4. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    so you're saying after returning to fullscreen the issue came back up? if this is the case, what key do you have bound to interact, and are any other programs watching for that key?
  5. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo

    Sort of, let me clarify a bit. So if I open the game and switch from Fullscreen to windowed and back, the issue is gone, but it's only gone for that play cycle. As soon as I exit the game to desktop and restart it, the issue comes right back. If I switch to windowed mode when this happens, it goes away, like you see in the video. However if I open the game in windowed mode and stay in windowed mode, the issue never appears. It seems like the issue resets itself each time I exit the game. I use the default key "e" for interact, and I have not changed the default controls at all. No programs bound to anything, this is the only game or program where I've seen this happen. It's the strangest thing.
  6. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    I understand your frustration very well, because my fix only works for me that play session as well, and not just Starbound. sadly this is the only fix I have for you, so unless some1 else can help with this, this is the best help ur going to get
  7. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo

    Does it happen to you with other chuckle fish games only? I'm just curious. It is rather frustrating as my friends do not have the issue at all when they play in Fullscreen, and they're both on Windows 10 64 bit like me. So I'm just lucky I guess. I hope they have a fix to it, it's just silly to not have some work around.
  8. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    it happened with SB, Dolphin Emulator, Chrome, Steam, etc
  9. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo

    Wow, yeah I definitely don't have that going on. It's just with Starbound, and I can't figure out why. Are you a chuckle fish employee? Or a helpful member?
  10. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    helpful member
  11. Mtlhd14884

    Mtlhd14884 Space Hobo

    I really appreciate the help, especially since you don't have to. I don't know why I can't get anyone from chuckle fish to comment. Do they tend to not fix things? I see lots of complaints that are old in terms of bad frame rates and performance typically in multiplayer, and that's clearly still a problem . So I'm not exactly confident they would fix this anyway.

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