Not sure if this had been brought up here, but it's something I suggested long ago as a possible addition to the game... and I realize this could spiral into a much larger and boring workload for the wiki, but, well, I am kinda used to doing that on a different wiki and wouldn't mind seeing if I can put time into this possibility... For placeable objects, I really feel the wiki needs to list how many blocks of space an item takes up, and some graphical indication of their "hitbox". Some doors, despite looking like they're only 1 block wide, need 2 blocks of space, which can be annoying to find out after you've already set up a door frame in anticipation of a certain style of door. Same for crops: knowing which crops need two blocks vs. one helps for layout planning. Also many decor objects have gaps in their "hitboxes", like tables, which let you place another object "inside" them, which isn't something you'd normally think of. I really feel like it'd be valuable to have that info readily available on every object's page. And of course the number of tiles they take up would be useful to know since we have the Tenant tags on the page, and the number of blocks taken up by tagged objects is important to getting the Tenant you want. (Saplings, well, I suppose we'd just list the initial pod's hitbox and remark that actual growth will be dictated by available space...) Throwing this out there for the builders.
I'd help with this, but I have no idea how (or, likely, privilege necessary) to edit the infobox templates. Some sizes are totally opaque until one actually tests it, so it would great to have that information more readily available. In particular, I found out today that museum was too short for a large fossil stand with lights above it.