Is it possible to choose the king in scenarios?

Discussion in 'Custom Content' started by Lupinos, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. Lupinos

    Lupinos Lucky Number 13

    Hi there,
    I'm playing around with the campaign editor and I think it is an awesome tool!!
    There is only one thing I could not figure out yet.
    In the single player campaign, the game starts with the murder on the king.
    Now I wonder how I could use this "King unit" for my own story telling?
    I searched everywhere but could not find him, only in "group members" at the campaign settings I can choose him from a list
    but I can not add him to a map...

    BTW: I saw some vocabulary is missing for the German localization. Some items from drop down menues just say #MISSING#.
      Axe Garian likes this.
    • Klunky

      Klunky Lucky Number 13

      Hey there, the game has still a lot of unlockables I don't know for sure but it can be possible that you can unlock the king later on as a commander.
        Axe Garian and Lupinos like this.
      • Lupinos

        Lupinos Lucky Number 13

        Oh, right. Something I didn't consider. lol
        I played the first two missions of act 1 and started editing then. xD
          Axe Garian likes this.
        • Klunky

          Klunky Lucky Number 13

          Haha same, I finished the first three mission and wanted to look at the editor just shortly, it didn't take long and I was implenting my first ideas.
          Now I finished Act 1 but spent already 10 hours inside the game.

          Ich wusste allerdings nicht dass in der deutschen Version das "Missing" für Übersetzungsfehler steht, vielen dank für den Hinweis.
          • Lupinos

            Lupinos Lucky Number 13

            Yeah, I think it's a place holder when the term in the vocabulary database for the localizations is missing. ^^
            Also the format of the entry might be incorrect so the code (program) cannot read it.
              Axe Garian likes this.
            • Captain_Revan

              Captain_Revan Space Hobo

              I'm interested to know about this too, I want to see if I can use the unlockable co's in the custom campaign maker. more characters to use the better haha.

              so if anyone knows about this please let us know. I am on the last level so I might be able to check myself soon if I ever beat it haha.

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