Modding Help Is there a way to change how clothes fit a new race?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by dash1771, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. dash1771

    dash1771 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, i'm working on my first mod, and its to make froggs playable. of course, that also means they have a different body-type then the other playable races. can i make it to where clothes fit them properly?
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Each image is hand framed - there is no way to alter vanilla clothes look to make it fit - without making it incompatible with all other races.
    You will just have to make custom clothing for your race.

    Unfortunately there is also no method to prevent them from wearing other clothing.
    @C0bra5 - made a custom race - with a unique body type that faces similar difficulties.
  3. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    You'll have to create custom everything! and that is going to be a lot of work, you can take my modpack as a base since i have about 6 different examples of races not having the normal body shape.

    If you are adding them as tennants, you'll also have to modify some lua files, they are the only one you can stop from wearing anything that isn't allowed by you.
  4. dash1771

    dash1771 Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the info! I'm trying to go all out on this, so hopefully i can do that.
  5. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    There is no way to make clothing fit more than one body type as it currently stands. However, Chucklefish plans on looking into it sometime.

    By the way, what do your playable Froggs look like? I've made them myself for a "NPC Races" mod and would like to compare.
  6. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    i'm working on a major if this then that kind of thing for tennants/recruitable npcs, so at least there is that. it will replace any armor that i have a replacement for and will replace it by it's equivalent. but i'm still looking for a way to do the same for the player.The only problem is that it actually changes the item and not it's sprite but i'm hopefull that i'll find a way one day.
  7. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    I FOUND A WAY TO AUTO CONVERT EQUIPPED ITEMS!!!!!!!! the basic of it rotates over an un-completable quest running a client side script that controls the player's equipped inventory!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 years of research and blam i can finally make my tiny horses works and that also opens the gate to simply changing the image of an item to use other graphics... I AM SO HAPPY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Do share your discovery.

    And feel free to tell Chucklefish how you did it.
  9. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    Since it's such an awesome workaround, i don't think i should tell them fearing that they will remove it... because i don't think quests should normally be able to edit the player inventory. Anyway, i'll be on the irc fooling around with this thing all day so ya TIME TO DO THE THINGS!
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    When they are going to work on bodyTypes at an unspecified date, do you really think they'll do that?
  11. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    why does a quest script has the ability to modify a character's inventory? because that's how i do it
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Well, if I had to guess, it's an intended feature that allows, among other things, the starter weapon drop on Intro Mission skip, though I may be wrong. It seems like a really useful feature, though.

    Also, if you can figure out how to make it only change the sprite, that would be amazing.
  13. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    ya using a parameter to change the frames doesn't actually works well, or it might just be my script.. i'm debugging right now.
  14. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    welp it looks like i have a bug report to fill

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