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Issues with Risk of Rain; needing assistance.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gnartisan, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Gnartisan

    Gnartisan Intergalactic Tourist

    A while ago, I was playing Risk of Rain, with an about 30% completed file. My laptop had a FATAL crash, after about 2 hours of a singular run (had nothing to do with Risk of Rain), obviously, I had to do a factory reset since it wouldn't boot anymore.
    I then had to get a copy of Windows 10, since the original OS is Vista Home Premium.
    I reinstall Risk of Rain and everything, and notice that I lose any progress I make upon restarting every time. I looked it up and found out I had to alter the Save.ini file. I did. But I noticed that I do not have a Prefs.ini file, and my Save.ini never repaired its self. Does anyone have any clue on what I'm supposed to do? I've uninstalled the game and reinstalled it fully a multitude of times but to this day nothing has fixed it.

    • Eon245

      Eon245 Space Hobo

      I had a similar issue. Could be written on a bad sector of your hard drive. You could try manually moving the entire folder to a different area. I play through steam. So I moved it out of Steamapps and into C: directly. That solved the problem. Then that laptop crashed and I lost everything again anyways. lol.

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