Item Salvaging

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Coltain13, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Coltain13

    Coltain13 Star Wrangler

    Revised Post;
    Thanks to Kamoda for the idea of electronics.

    I know that everyone gets items that they don't need anymore or get some that they didn't want from the start. Instead of leaving then just laying in chests or on the ground what about salvaging them?
    So here is my thought process on what to do with an item:

    This is my basic thought process when it comes to most items in really any game.​
    I know that there is going to be a TON of items in the game so you would only get a small amount of salvaged material from each item so it isn't over powered.​
    You of course would not be able to salvaged most things with your bare hands.​
    You will need a machine on your home planet or your space ship to be able to salvage the more advanced stuff.
    Salvageable Items:
    Nothing -​
    Can happen to any item (Failed Salvage)​
    Scrap Wood -​
    Combine 5 Scrap Wood to make 1 Wood
    Wood -​
    Can be used to create Gun Handles, Weapon Hilts, Bows, Crossbows, Arrow and Bolt Shafts​
    Scrap Metal** -​
    Combine 5 Scrap Metal to make 1 Metal
    Metal -​
    Can be used to create Gun Parts, Melee weapon heads, Crossbows, Arrow and Bolt Heads, and Armor​
    Damage Electronic*** -​
    A Damaged Electronic can be repaired at a repairing station​
    Broken Drill Head -​
    Combine 2 Broken Drill Heads to get a new Drill Head
    Wire -
    Wire can be used to craft various electronics, power tools, power weapons, and machinery
    Engine -
    Engines can be used to craft vehicles, ships, and generators
    Scrap Hull -
    Combine 2 Scrap Hulls to make a Hull Repair Kit

    **The metal that can be crafted is dependent on the scraps(e.g. Tin Scrap Metal = Tin Metal or Tin and Copper Scrap = Bronze Metal)​
    *** Damage Electronics will vary is size depending on what it was salvaged from.(e.g. Small Damaged Electronics would come from a power tools or weapon, Medium would come from a vehicle or small machine, and Large would come from a vehicles, space ships, and machinery)​
    As you can see this could pretty much go on forever, it would be something small to add to the game but huge at the same time.​
    These are only just a few examples of what could be salvaged out of items. Really the idea with salvaging could be endless. You could eventually salvage buildings or ships that you no longer need.​
    Any other ideas are welcomed so please feel free to add anything :)
    T.A.W.A.M, JundtDH, Rian121 and 5 others like this.
  2. Kamoda

    Kamoda Sandwich Man

    I was thinking instead of making a generic metal, you break down things into what they were originally made of e.g. an iron pick can be broken down into scrap iron and electronic equipment could be salvaged to get scrap electronics. You could also get (not skills if a skill system isn't implemented) gear that increases your chances of a successful salvage. Just a few thoughts.
  3. Coltain13

    Coltain13 Star Wrangler

    Hmmm, that is a good idea. I think that I was thinking to basic. I will probably expand upon the idea.
  4. Necro

    Necro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the idea!

    And like you said, this game WILL contain a ton of weapons, and I really don't want to go OCD with hoarding all those weapons like I did in Terraria. >_>;

    Salvaging is a great idea. +1 support.
    Rian121 likes this.
  5. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    I will be going the OCD path - One may never know when you have a use for that Sword of Sharpness +4!
    Oh also, great idea :D Perchance, if you let your scientists salvage and deconstruct yours lewt, they would be able to re-engineer it into something better, stronger, fas... You get the idea.
    Coltain13 likes this.
  6. jonasfull123

    jonasfull123 Pangalactic Porcupine

    why not use some sort of item that alows you to get part of the items that were used ?
    for example you use worst kind of that items and have like 10 procent chance to get 1-2 parts that were added into that item to make it
    and some galactical BIGGEST rarest harderst make item will be like 100 procent to regain all parts... but that wud be super rare.
    Coltain13 likes this.
  7. Ephexis

    Ephexis Cosmic Narwhal

    i like the idea of salvaging equipment and what not, it could really come in handy and make some things more useful then just sell it for low amount of pixels or into my OCD chest room of 50 chests each with a section of what they hold @_@
    Coltain13 likes this.
  8. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    I LOVE the idea of salvaging, in fact it was already on my mind to put up in the Mechanics suggestion thread, guess it fits here too technically :p
  9. StarJoe

    StarJoe Void-Bound Voyager

    This is a really cool idea. There's a similar mod in Skyrim for those who want to melt down your weapons and armour into reusable materials. Disenchanting would be cool too, so you could assign the +4 Sharpness stat onto a weapon with no stats.

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