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Closed "It's Party Time" Quest bug

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by psychoseby, Feb 21, 2016.

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  1. psychoseby

    psychoseby Intergalactic Tourist

    When I first started the quest, everything was fine until I got to the boss. I talked to Nuru, began fighting the boss, died, went to do the quest again, and when I started it over, Nuru didn't spawn, so I couldn't get through the gate. I've restarted it a few times now and she's stillnot spawning.
  2. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    You need to wait ten minutes outside of the mission instance for it to reset. Try waiting on your ship for a bit (do some cooking or ship improvements or something while you wait) then try the mission again.
  3. psychoseby

    psychoseby Intergalactic Tourist

    I waited and she still sint there :0
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